SPInvest: Looking Ahead To Year 3

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SPinvest is a tokenized investment fund/club for all users of social blockchains. Everyone is welcome! The concept of SPinvest is to get rich slowly by using time tested methods of earning, saving and compounding long term. This lets SPinvest offer an ROI of 20% per year on SPI tokens. We encourage long term investing on and off the blockchain. We hope someday everyone will HODL some SPI tokens that can be bought directly from @spinvest are through the hive-engine


We are closing in on the end of Year 2 for @spinvest. Without knowing the exact date it is hard to tell exactly what our numbers will look like and when. However, we are within a couple months so it is time to start looking to Year 3.

The first year of SPInvest we saw an 80% growth in the value of the token. This far exceeded our 20% baseline. For the inaugural year, that is outstanding.

Year 2, shattered what happened in the first year. Looking at the SPInvest weekly earnings report, we are looking at an increase in value of 2.75x.

This is actually somewhat mirrored by the market. The trading on Leodex is slightly below this level meaning that the SPI token is on sale compared to the value backing it. If we look at it from the book value and trading multiple point of view, this is an asset that is being offered at a serious discount.

Keep in mind, the market price does not account for the return people made through the weekly dividends. That only makes he individual return that much greater.

So enough about year 2, what is ahead for the next year?

The hell if we know. That is the honest truth. Who would have predicted a little over a year ago that we would be on a totally new blockchain? How many foresaw the ability to get involved with a yield farming project that actually benefits our other holdings since it is constructed under the umbrella of Leofinance (LEO and LBI tokens we hold)?

In short, we know the crypto world is changing considerably. Who knows, perhaps Year 3 will see SPInvest get involved with making NFTs? Anything is possible in this world of opportunities.

That said, we do know one thing: stick with what works. While there are opportunities, it is vital to keep our core focus. SPInvest is all about the return. We are looking to grow things considerably. That is why it exists.

At present, SPI holds a full Bitcoin. This serves as a great foundation of value. We all heard the forecasts for BTC's future price; they are all over the map. However, if they are even half right, we will see 6 figures at some point, most likely within the next year or two. If we go out a bit further, many predict, including the stock-to-flow model, that BTC will reach $1 million by the end of the decade.

This might be a situation whereby SPI simply holds the Bitcoin as the core asset upon which value is derived.

We also have Leofinance. Sometimes the smartest thing to do is to hitch your wagon to the smartest people you know and follow them.

It is obvious there are some people at Leofinance who are adept that the DeFi game. Just this week, SPInvest got involved with CubFinance DeFi and is generating an outstanding return as we speak. If this thing does take off, the token value could appreciate in ways we can't imagine. SPI is growing its holdings throughout the day.

According to the road map, we know there is going to be a lot more added to this platform. Applications that mirror Curve and Compound, which are Ethereum-based, are going to be released. We will also see Synthetic assets added to the mix. Do not overlook this part. In the minds of many, this is where the future of DeFi resides. It is literally the taking of traditional assets like stocks and having them available on a DEX whereby people can purchase them with crypto.

How about SPInvest having a stake in the grow of SpaceX? It could be possible.

Of course, none of this takes away from the core tenet of SPI. We added the Eddie Earner project, which showed how the inflation rate of Hive could be used for an income token.

At the same time, SPInvest got into the Venture Capital game by funding the set up of a new tribe on Hive. In return. there we a lot of tokens distributed to SPI, hopefully that will appreciate in value as the tribe grows.

We can expect many more opportunities to present themselves in the future. Interconnectedness is certainly a valuable way to grow a fund. With the ties to BROFund, SPInvest is leveraging what takes place there to add to our value.

Two years ago, few would have guessed that SPInvest would operate as a VC fund. Yet this is exactly what happened. Thus, it is important to understand the evolution of is uncertain. We are always on the lookout for opportunities to improve the return the token value receives. Through different ventures, we are finding the community can be leveraged to grow things in a fabulous manner.

If we can mirror the performance in year 2, we will see the SPI token with a value of $4.93. Naturally, there is no guarantee. However, we do know that SPInvest's holdings entitle it to a few airdrops from both Leofinance and 3Speak. These two projects alone could help to generate a large portion of that growth.

That will be quite a return for a token that costs roughly $1.79 at the moment.

All this put together says that "Get Rich Slowly" might have a different meaning in the world of crypto.

SPInvest is worthy of taking a look if you haven't done so. We are just getting started.

We hope all SPI holders are enjoying the ride. There is a lot more to come.

SPinvest's content is contributed by @silverstackeruk, @no-advice, @metzli & @taskmaster4450

Today's post comes to you from @taskmaster4450

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