SteemPower Investments - Comparing Centralized vs Decentralized format

Hello everyone, i hope you are all having a nice day where ever you are on the planet. Today i will be mostly comparing the differences between having a centralized and decentralized project and then sharing some of my views. This is something that i have been thinking alot lately and i have read through all my comments, researched into things people are telling me and trying to figure out what is the best way forward is. I had started to work on the partnership agreement but everyday something changes and im back to square one. I had a vision for this project and the core idea is solid. I am very willing to work with investors when it comes to some things as i feel it only fair for community members to have a say. I can still have my vision while making a few changes if that makes sense. I need to stay motivated and encouraged to keep pushing this. It is a long term project and we're only getting started. I cant be seen to be changing the rules, are throwing out to many project structure idea's all the time, makes me look stupid. So it would be time to get into the post. Enjoy and all aways, feedback is welcome good are bad.

SteemPower Investments

I am going to have a look through the main differences between centralized and decentralized projects. To be honest, im on the fence and i plan to read through the comments, interact with investors and make a final decision after thinking for a few days. I see plus's and negatives for both formats so let's have a look.

  • Centralized format

In a centralized SteemPower Investments, all the power or decision making authority lies with a group of investors or an individual at the top. Centralized formats can help to control costs, increase efficiency and promotion. It decides what content is put out, how to control the budget and is responsible for delegating roles to investors while covering all costs.

For me, in a centralized format i dont really need to trust anyone with my baby project. I trust a few and i could count them on 1 hand not using all my fingers are thumb. This would give me total control over the project, the communication flow would be vertical and there would be coordination and leadership. I could run the project in what ever way i think will work best and i am motivated by setting personal targets. I would hold all the assets and control how SPI tokens are issued. It would be basically like it is now.

  • Decentralized format

In a decentralized SteemPower Investments, there is no dissemination of authority, no responsibility are accountability to any level of management. Decentralized formats offer either all are a selected group of investors to have shared control. This also shares the burden of responsibility and is best suited for a large number of people compared to a small group. Costs are shared by either all are a group of investors.

For me, in a decentralized format alot of responsibility is removed from my shoulders as investors would have considerably more control of the overall project. Communication flow is open tree with no leadership. Investors would be responsible for content, promotion and complete project structure. I think decision making is worse and things would move slowly with votes taking 3-7 days and writing up any sort of partner agreement would take months trying to keep everyone happy. Investments would be held and made by different people.

Mix them together

I say mix them together!! And build a community around the project. Going long term i would like to keep control of this project. I dont mean doing it solo and i would not want to long term. My vision was to have a few investors to be assigned roles and help with getting things done. Investments and important matters would be voted on by investors and everyone would have a say. Im ok with other members holding off platform investments excluding steem-engine. Can we not be a centralized community? and be abit of both

Right now, SteemPower Investments is still in it's ICO stage with that ending when 1 million tokens are issued and the market dictates the SPI token price. To date there have been 5768 SPI tokens issued with me personally owning 3442 so that's 2326 proper issued SPI tokens which i think is really good for launching from a brand new account in 2 weeks. I plan to have at least 5000 SPI tokens as i really believe that the core plan is solid and i that i will increase the token price over time. I feel like i need to get it to 1 million issued tokens before i could fully let it go and become fully decentralized. I know that everyone can relate to that on some level and understand that by the time comes when 1 million tokens are issued whether it be through direct sales, dividends payments, giveaways, exchange sales are even airdrops there will be a large enough community built around it. This community will by that time have built relationships between investors and trust will have been earned enough to either delegate are vote in members to hold @spinvest private key holders, access to all funds and token distribution. I minted 5 million SPI tokens but only plan to issue 1 million. So it were to go fully decentralized, investors could issue an additional 4 million tokens. To be honest, if i can issue 1 million semi solo, i dont even really mind if full mintage is issued by investors.

I think that focusing on composing an agreement of some sort with conditions, rules, investors rights ect is something that is better done sooner rather than later. There are not enough investors yet and no where near enough active investors yet to beable to get proper feedback and engagement from. When 1 million are sold, there will be but until then i will write up an agreement. Dont be so scared, i dont really run projects to make much money so im not greedy. You can check out @steemcryptosicko which is my other baby. I use all rewards to pay for extra leases to boast my members upvotes cause a CryptoSicko as well and love giving out big upvotes. As far as the agreement goes, it will be fair and members will have a say in what off platform investments are made and how @spinvest STEEM POWER balance is used.

Update on the if i die, what happens to your SPI investment plan. Just today i have confirmed and started setting it up and in a few days i will be able to make it public when private keys are transfered. As the community grows and builds around SPI, roles will be assigned are voted in by the community to take some of the work load off me. This might include roles such as discord mod, asset holder, auditor, ect. This is still a tiny baby project with a few thousand tokens issued worth around $1500 but there are few supportive interested investors which is a good start. I think that there is lots of lot of work room so that we can have the best of both centralized and decentralized formats.

You can send any amount of STEEM you like to @spinvest and you will receive the same amount in SPI shares up to 2 decimals. All SPI tokens (shares) will be transferred to investor’s steem-engine accounts within 24 hours of sale completion .

Convert other steem-engine tokens to SPI tokens

Most of us by now earn a few different tokens through other steem front ends are have been airdropped tokens during launch ect. I have wrote a step by step post that shows anyone how to convert other steem-engine tokens into SPI tokens. You can learn how by clicking here

Resteeming is a wonderful way to spread the word and get as many eyes as possible on this. Let's get a buzz going

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I go by silverstackeruk#3236 if you would like to DM me

And the cherry on the cake

What do you have to lose? What token has a operator with so much faith they offer a 95% buy back

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