Newsletter Coming Soon!
However, this is not your typical newsletter. This is a newsletter that will have you intrigued on many very different levels. This particular newsletter will include the deep secrets from beyond the veil....
Have you ever wondered what happens after you die? Even though I already know you have. It is something that will remain one of the biggest mysteries in our lives. So many people from all over the world have their very own beliefs, very different beliefs. Many of those people form religions and believe that their way is for sure the real deal. You must repent and sin no more. Some people believe in nothing at all. Then, you find those people who believe in everything in between.
What is this newsletter about?
Coming May 2nd, the very first Beyond The Veil newsletter will be released. This is where @beyondtheveil will showcase some incredible one of a kind authors here on Steemit. These are not your typical everyday people, no. These people are incredible because their mind is open to the mysterious unknown. Every individual included in the newsletter, are each different in their own way, just like everyone else in the world when it comes to their beliefs. With so many topics when we think of the unknown, this newsletter is for certain to have something for you! Even if it is nothing more than entertainment for you to read these articles.
These topics are so diverse that even if you don't like one article due to your beliefs or simply because it doesn't interest you, there is for sure something that will eventually catch your eye, I can almost guarantee that. Let's go over a few things you will be able to read about in the Beyond The Veil Newsletter.

Paranormal, Spiritual & Everything In Between
The mysterious supernatural world — (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. We have all seen movies and heard stories that directly relate to the paranormal. These topics give us the ability to open up our mind to so many realms. Realms that you may not believe in, but could gain interest in reading about them.
Spiritual — Relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. The spiritual aspect is pretty intriguing when you read the definition. Being spiritual doesn't mean you are religious either. It means that you find your true happiness and truly become content with what you have, once you practice spirituality.
Some of these post will include ways to find happiness through nature, through the four elements. This includes things such as crystal healing and knowledge all about crystals and minerals, meditation and ways for you to relax your mind, body and soul. The Archangels are something that fall into this category. You can have the opportunity to read about the special talents each Angel can do and learn about their personalities.
Delving deeper, this is where we get into the real unknown. The place that many people don't understand or believe. All the more reason to learn about it, in my opinion. These next topics can get looked down upon at times. They aren't exactly what society wants to see or hear because they don't understand it.
- Ghost and Spirits
- Folklore and Mythology
- Aliens and UFOs
- Tarot and Oracle Cards
- Automatic Writing
- Pendulums
- Runes
- Scrying
- Wicca
- Reading Wax and Tea Leaves
- Psychic abilities
- Mediumship
- Shamanism
...and so much more!
You will be given the chance to learn about astrology and numerology. Astrologyis the study of the movements of the planets, sun, moon, and stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people's lives. Numerology is the study of particular numbers, such as person's date of birth, in the belief that they may have special significance in a person's life.
This newsletter will be very educational, each post featured in the newsletter will be for the sole purpose to bring knowledge into your life.
Q- You mentioned a few things that scare me. If I read the newsletter and a topic that I don't agree with is mentioned, will I be unleashing the beast?
A- Absolutely not. That is like saying if I read a post about being forgiven for my sins, I will automatically be forgiven just by reading it. If I read a post explaining an Atheist point of view, my beliefs will not suddenly wash away. Plus, the good thing about this newsletter is that you are completely in control of which post you want to read.
The newsletter is like a written preview of something, you read the preview and then you decide if you want to move forward with it. Through the knowledge you can receive from the post that will be written in the newsletter, you will eventually learn that those topics that seem dark, are not so dark after all.
If you don't agree with a topic written in the newsletter, you can just skip over it and read the preview for the next one.
Q- I don't believe in any of those things that were mentioned. Can I gain anything from reading this newsletter?
A- I don't believe Zombies walk around eating people (yet) but I still watch The Walking Dead. I don't think a man in a red and blue suit jumps around shooting webs out of his hand but I recently watched the newest Spiderman movie. Santa Clause doesn't really come bring presents on Christmas Eve, I still help my daughter leave milk and cookies out for him. Am I making any sense here? These topics are so interesting and so diverse that even if you don't believe a single word, it can still be really neat to read about them.
My absolute favorite conversations have been with those who have different beliefs than me. The reasons and even the history as to why people believe in what they do, is so intriguing. To read stories about haunted houses and read what other people experienced is just incredible. Reading a story on the circumstances in life that lead someone to a God, can be amazing. Even down to reading how someone became spiritual or what events lead up to one person coming out of the broom closet. I also love reading about why some people believe there is nothing at all out there. Good communication and being respectful and open to the beliefs of others can be beneficial to us, even if it is for nothing more than entertainment. Although like I previously stated, this is meant to be educational.
Q- How do I sign up for this newsletter?

There are two main reasons behind this newsletter. The first thing is that we really do want to spread knowledge about these topics. Paranormal and Spiritual topics are becoming more popular but that doesn't mean we don't still get looked at like we have three eyes. We want to show people that we are normal, just like everyone else. We have our beliefs, just like everyone else. What we do will not give you the plague if you read about it or engage in conversation about it.
Reason number two, we want a place that brings everyone who is interested in these topics, together in one place. It can be hard joining Steemit and writing about what you love, when the thing that you love to write about isn't very popular. Good news though, there is a wide community on Steemit that is interested in the paranormal, the spiritual and everything in between. This newsletter can easily help bring together this wonderful community of people who are open to the mysterious secrets from beyond the veil...
As of now the incredible authors in the newsletter will include -

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