AMA Summary

👀 = See Eye Candy!
Chaos Legion 👀:
- Pre-sale is on track to go live on October 18th
- Started getting the bridges from Hive Engine and to WAX ready
- Top 6 purchasers will be allowed to design their own Chaos Legion Legendary summoner
- Teams goal is to make the new promo card awesome and highly sought out after
- Chaos Legion cards should include a few new abilities added to the game
- Once released, the starter deck will be the common & rares from Untamed and Chaos Legion
- All bonus packs given out will take out of the 15 million supply
- Only purchased packs from in-game will count towards the 13 monster airdrops
- Packs purchased from other markets don't count
- You don't need to hold the packs once purchased, can open or sell after
Pre-Sale Clarifications:
- To receive the 20%, 15%, and 10% bonus amounts, you need to do buy as a single transaction
- All other pre-sale rewards will accumulate as you buy
- Bonus packs will count towards all pre-sale benefits (title, Maverick status, promo card)
- There will be a separate leaderboard page for Chaos Legion pre-sale buyers
- Legionnaire title will be worth the same as the Untamed & Explorer titles (100k SPS points)
- Chaos Legion packs and the Legionnaire title will count towards the SPS airdrop immediately
- First voucher airdrop will start on the October 18th (time is still TBD)
- Vouchers will be distributed as tokens and can be received as fractions
- One whole voucher will be required for 1 Chaos Legion pack
- Vouchers will not be completely useless after Chaos Legion pre-sale
- Current plan is still to require vouchers past pre-sale for a bit (wait for official announcement)
- Goal is to give the SPS token as much utility as possible
- Metering out public sale will affect teams income so this decision doesn't benefit team
- Players will see other use cases for vouchers in the near future as well
- SPS used to buy Chaos Legion packs will be used as corporate money
- No plans for SPS burn mechanisms currently or in whitepaper
- But team would like to add one or more in the future
- Doesn't matter how long you have your SPS staked before Chaos Legion pre-sale
- SPS for Land Expansion is still to be determined
- Airdrop for land owners will be boring
- Team wants to use it more as in incentive when land is released
- Team wants to release a post soon with more details about SPS rewards
- Whitepaper shows everything starting at the same time, not the case obviously
Rentals & PeakMonsters:
- Peakmonsters is developing a rental auto-renewal process
- Peakmonsters is developing a rental bid feature
- Can make a rental bid for every single monster
- Example: 5 DEC/day for a 1 BCX Lorna Shine
- Or you can make a rental bid for collection power
- Example: 300 DEC/day for 100k collection power per day
Scaling & Dev Work:
- Hoping the end of season today will be smooth
- This will be a constant improvement until end of season runs perfectly
- Still ramping up the new developers
- Will be dedicated to different pieces of the game
- Land, gameplay, animations, etc...
- Matt doesn't know everything anymore 😱
- Game is growing too much for Matt to be a part of all developments
- Good sign of healthy growth
- Team is still super excited to be working on the land expansion soon
- Chaos Legion release is first priority
- Once land is released, there will be items and spells created
- Items and spells will add an additional turn to battling
Wild & Modern Ranked Format:
- Once Chaos Legion is released, Wild & Modern ranked formats will be released
- Wild = Any cards can be used
- Modern = Newer cards (Untamed, Chaos Legion, Dice)
- Any card frame that looks like Untamed or Chaos Legion will be allowed in Modern
- Makes the playing field more even for newer players
- Reward pool will be doubled
- Players can play in both formats
- Will be separate leaderboards for both formats
- Not planning on decreasing collection power requirements for either format
Network Bridges:
- ETH bridge is created, just disabled due to insanely high gas fees
- Want to bridge to as many other networks as possible in the future
- WAX & HIVE are the main bridges currently
Essence Orbs, Azmare Dice & Riftwatchers:
- These are similar card packs but with fewer unique cards in the sets
- Can/Were only be bought with DEC
- DEC gets burned if purchased
- Adds value to all token holders (all players)
- Team gets zero income from these packs
- Essence Orbs & Azmare Dice are all sold out, Riftwatchers is next to be released
- Riftwatchers will be worked on right after Chaos Legion
Affiliate Program:
- Any Chaos Legion pack purchases with credits will count towards the affiliate program
- Team is looking into maybe allowing all types of purchases count towards affiliate program
- New stories posted every Friday at around Noon EST each week of pre-sale
- Added to the Chaos Legion mythos
- Will release multiple NFTs that will be associated with each story
- Stories will tell the history of Splinterlands & Chaos Legion

Chaos Legion Trailer
Choas Legion Pre-Sale Sneak Peek

New Chaos Legion Wallpaper

Another Chaos Legion Wallpaper (with Doctor Blight!)

Doctor Blight Animation

Tome Of Chaos

🤑 $706k Region Sale 🤑

Tournament Prizes For Next Two Weeks

Past AMA Summaries

Next AMA - Friday, October 22nd, 9AM EST (1PM UTC)