Everyone keeps talking about how this or that coin is going to kill this or that coin. The topic of, "Is [insert coin here] dead?" remains painfully pervasive. Almost everyone wrongfully compares blockchains to competing businesses. Sometimes it even feels like people adopt their coin the same way a person would with their favorite sports team. Truly, our minds have been wired for zero-sum games. You lose; I win.
This isn't a race. It's a collaboration.
There has been no evidence that blockchains compete with each other. In fact, the exact opposite can be implied. The value of all blockchains is intimately linked. When Bitcoin goes up, everything goes up, and vice versa.
The war is between crypto and fiat not crypto vs crypto. A superior coin coming out isn't going to kill the communities of other coins. It's only going to bring even more people into crypto and increase the value of everything.
This isn't a zero-sum game. Blockchain technology has synergy. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
All blockchains are open source.
Could you imagine two companies competing with each other, but at the same time releasing all the research and blueprints freely on the Internet? This is the nature of open source development. Competition is literally impossible.
It might look like a superior coin is going to take out the lesser coins, but it won't. Often times there is nothing to stop other blockchains from simply using that superior code for their own purposes.