The twins go out for the first time
When Matt was gone, I usually had help taking the twins to the doctor. But one time, I did it alone. That was definitely a challenge. Thankfully my taxi driver and the people at the hospital were very helpful. (To catch up on the story behind how the twins came to live with us, you can read more here: Intro, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5).
When Matt got back, we took the girls to their appointments together but we didn't venture out beyond that. First, because they were preemies we had to be careful with their health. And second, we were still figuring out the best way to get around with them.

I'd had experience getting around with a baby in tow (babysitter at 11 and older sister to much younger brothers). But for some reason, getting around with two babies was really difficult!
When we did venture out, it felt like we were taking a circus with us. I had to have enough bottles, formula, diapers, wipes and extra outfits for the duration of our outing. Not to mention the carriers, carseats, blankets and binkies we had to juggle.
Here we are on one of our first outings with the twins. Matt usually carried one of the girls in the carseat while I carried the other on me.
Do this, not that
I got a lot of crazy helpful advice during those first months with the twins. Advice given by well-meaning grandmas, aunts, and friends coming from different backgrounds and cultures. At times one piece of advice would contradict something else I'd been told to do just earlier in the day!
For example:
They should sleep with you.
Don't let them sleep with you.
Give them warm bottles.
It's easier to give them room temperature.
Who likes warm milk? Mine preferred cold.
Don't waste the leftover formula, you should drink it yourself!
It was a fun task of laying all the advice side-by-side to figure out what was really helpful. In the end, I realized that I needed to figure out what worked for my twins. And even though they are identical, they have their own personalities and needs.
Twins, not twins
Here they are at four months. In this position, it's hardest to tell their differences. A lot of people say they look exactly alike. But I think the main differences are in their personality.
One daughter is laid-back and easy going. Her smile comes quickly, and she likes to make others laugh too. The other daughter is more cautious, but she is very sensitive about other's feelings. She will touch you gently on the arm or face if she feels like you are sad. Even when she was little, she did that.
Both girls love music, and their eyes light up if you sing to them.
I think I could go on and on ...
What it's like having twins
The thing about twins is that they both manage to fit in your heart and you can't imagine life with only one.
My husband has been helping me remember things that happened, but in so many ways, months 2-3 with the girls are a blur. I was constantly tired. Work had picked up, and it seemed that the girls' needs had too. Even though it was hard, I remember thinking it was definitely worth it.
The next few months got easier. We took a family trip, celebrated birthdays and Christmas, and started playing with toys!
See you Wednesday at 7pm for more on the twin blog!
If you're interested in reading the beginning of our story:
- Surprise, we have twins! The story behind why I fell off the face of Planet Steemit...
- Babies Can Be Victims Of Human Trafficking Too
- Bringing Home The Twins
- They don't come with a manual | Taking care of twins
- Two love stories and understanding the twins' loss
- Feeding the twins, feeding ourselves, and working full-time
In order to make this blog worth something that I can pass down to my children, I'm trying to be more serious about what I'm doing on Steemit. One way is through a design giveaway. Stay tuned for the results of the most recent one. I plan on doing more in the future too.
I'd also like to utilize Steemit as a skill-sharing platform. You can read about my idea and let me know if you'd like to join!