Bandwith Limit Exceeded? price of steem to blame? [WorkAround+newest.UPDATES]


A lot of people have gotten this error message within the past 24 hours:

"bandwidth limit exceeded. Please wait to transact, or power up STEEM."


What does it mean? There are speculations that you could get this message from irritating a Whale. But after a little time on the PAL chat, i find that that there are many people experiencing this.

There, I was directed to this post The Day Steemit Stood Still, advising me to not panic. @sircork says, we are still in development, and most users get restored function of their accounts after a bit of time.

Thanks to @neander-squirrel for sharing a link to this post: - @someguy123/dear-witnesses-please-increase-your-block-size

In this article @someguy123 proposes a fix to resolve this issue.

also in the comments section we find some work arounds:

  • Some have had success with restarting their computer
  • Some have also found that going through works.

  • But the question still remains. What exactly is causing these bandwith issues?

    In this post, @rycharde - Bandwith limit Solved, we are given some technical data on exactly what the reason for this is... but I'm afraid that I didn't fully get it.

    so.. I got a response from @rycharde on his Bandwidth Post.

    The price of steem is not the issue, just a coincidence in this case. It is about traffic: possibly many new users, possibly the explosion in various bots (some useful, others less so). Every action has a small cost (in Vests) which is why, ironically, one cannot even power up SP if needed, but have to wait to be able to do so until allocated bandwidth is above that already used. @rycharde Bandwidth Limit Solved

    Another answer that helped clarify for me was:

    to help prevent flooding, bandwidth is restricted based on VESTS. This makes sense, it ensures that people with significant investment in the service are less likely to power down or bail out @timeshiftarts on

    So that answers that question. No, it is not the price of steem interrupting our service, it's a hiccup that the developers and witnesses are working to fix.

    In the meantime, I'm still experiencing the error.

    [work-around UPDATE]

    You can find, on the website, how much bandwith you have at any given moment.

    **There is a number at the bottom of the left hand column (the same one where you check your voting power). This number jumps up and down pretty quickly, so within 20 minutes, I have been able to post both times i got the error tonight. Including trying to post this update which it went from -720% to 80% in 3 minutes** (

    @rycharde has come out with a follow-up post about practical ways we can help!

    The Bandwidth Game

    So per the update, in above post: regardless of actions we can take as a community (such as regulating our usage), we require a deeper re-configuration. This is being addressed, in the soon to come Soft Fork 19.1. Be patient, and keep track of how much Bandwidth you have available on If you have trouble posting refresh until your bandwith available increases.

    Newest update!!!!

    @timcliff - potential-bandwidth issue fix in the works softfork 19.1

    Feel free to comment if you are still experiencing these errors, and to share other informative posts.

    Thank You !!!

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