First, I discovered about steemit as a social media that shares its revenue with its users, which i said to myself "here comes the home for content creators and bloggers". Now again the creation of something much more advanced which is taking the Steem Block-Chain to the next level. Content creators have passed through alot lot of difficulties getting revenue from the blog, video, or music they create. Social media like Facebook, Reddit, twitter and even from their pasonal blogging site can be very difficult to earn with. Its has been quite difficult to earn revenue from the content we create except for earnings from ads (which is still very low). If anyone approched you and told you that, someday, there would be a social media which will reward both content creator and content curators like Steemit, you may have disbelieved that. With the steem blockchain where everything is decentralised, creators can earn directly from their hard work.
What is Smart Media Tokens
Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) is a new way for publishers to monetize their online content and community, based on battle-tested blockchain technology
The Smart Media Tokens was anounced by @ned just a couple of hours ago.
It is such a big win to me when i found out about the Smart Media Tokens (SMTs). This is an incredible announcement! Now, imagine you able to create your own tokens or currency which you can use to reward your fanbase?
With the invention of the SMTs, you can now earn rewards from any personal blog/website or business, as well as share rewards with your customers. You can create your own tokens, run the Initial Coin offering (ICO), and also monitor everything. This is of course amazing.
you may want to have a look at the replies of @ned when he was asked the simple question "Why create Smart Media Tokens?". @ned answers that question in the video below.
@the-alien recently commented in a blog post about how the SMTs is a real game changer.
If they have a Smart Media Token that allows them to not only monetize their content but to reward the most engaged members of their community via inflation or otherwise.
Let’s say they’re into Gaming, they can create Game Coin - or whatever they wish to call it - and not only use that to reward the most valuable members of their community, but also to gamify the user experience and to grow their community even bigger.
And with it, the value of their SMTs would inevitably grow even as well, which will benefit all parties involved.Talking about how the SMTs really can change the world and the internet, every entrepreneur can now create their own business and with the help of the SMTs, you are able to reward users that uses your products with the tokens your created. Same to the contents creators, not only would you be able to reward your followers, it would help to create a larger audience.
This in the other hand allow you to have full control over your business.Looking at the response of @sostrin where he said[1]
Its so exciting to be on the ground floor. I think most people don't realize how lucky we are to be a part of this as a community. Things of this magnitude are usually only available to the elite. If the power of the community could be harnessed the growth could be exponential.You may be starting to understand how big and far this can change the world around. We should be glad that we are here now.
My personal thought on Steemit and SMTs
Look at the world we live in today. You will agree with me, that the rich people feed from the poor. They make the poor do the work and they sit back and enjoy the beautiful income which is really unfair. With the invention of the steem blockchain, so many things have changed and i am happy to be among its users.
Looking at a blog post by @Firepower, he explained how he had started from scratch to the where he now. Indeed steemit really changed his way of living, and i hope i can grow to such an extent too someday. Now the invention of the SMTs is completly the greatest thing i have ever seen. This gives us the ability to add more value to any business using the steem blockchain.
Image source
We went shopping and we earn rewards while doing so Conclusion
The SMTs is something very amazing and its really going to turn many things around. On hearing the SMTs really indeed made my day(s). Not only is this going to be beneficial to the content creators but also to business owners at large regardless of what ever kind of business you are managing.
If you are reading this article and you by any chance not in the steem community yet, this is perfectly the right time for you to embrase the community by signing up steemit.
References and Further Reading
- Announcing: Smart Media Tokens (SMTs)
- Smart Media Tokens: Why We're Doing It [VIDEO]
- Steemit's Smart Media Tokens Will Be The Real Game Changer!
- Smart Media Tokens: Introducing the Game Changer
- Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) White paper
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