#steemdonate - A Proposal



I want to do something to help the people that have helped me in the past. So, in that vein here is my proposal. As a #steemgig service, I want to provide money to various people and charities. So, I want to start a little trend.

This is what I want to do. I would like 50%, or more of the value of the steem and SBD earned from this post will go to a random charity that you recommend in the comments.

This being the first post in #steemdonate it is going to require a little explaining. In future posts, most of this will not need reiteration.

You recommend a charity in the comments; I will choose one using random.org as a generator to select a "winner." I will make a post after researching and learning a bit about that charity. I wish to do it this way to personalise it, not just a "Donate to x", and that be it. The charity can be a person that is in need. If this is the case, the research will be a chat or interview type thing.

  • If the post earns less than $100, I will donate 50% to the charity. The other 50% will go to me for the time spent writing and researching the charity.
  • If the post earns more than $100, I will donate 75% to the charity. The other 25% will go to me for the time spent writing and researching the charity.
  • If the charity is a person and they use steem then the transaction will be viewable forever.
  • Anytime it is questioned, I will provide receipts for the donation. I wish to do this on request, so all of my time isn't spent bookkeeping and auditing.
  • The donation will be made once a month to allow for more views.

Backup plan, if this becomes too much of a burden on me, then I will happily pass the torch to someone else that wants to do this.

Donation I - Electronic Frontier Foundation

First up is https://eff.org. I chose this one to start because it is probably well known throughout this community.

For those that may not know what the EFF does. Here is a short rundown. They defend digital privacy and free speech.
A good place to start would be EFF in the News where you can see what they are up to at the moment and what is gaining media attention. They have an excellent track record for helping people in need of legal counselling and could not afford it otherwise. Obviously it has to be something they stand for as they are not going to defend just anything.

They also offer some nice software and extensions for your browser. You should check out Privacy Badger and HTTPS Everywhere. With those two you should be pretty secure. You can alway test your browser @ Panotpticlick if you think the extensions you use are good enough.


Well hopefully, this doesn't get buried and unread. I'm not doing this as a get rich scheme. I want to give back to people that deserve it. Sometimes it's just easier to upvote and/or resteem an article than it is to go through the process yourself. So, with that note, I'm signing off on this message. (Do I need to post a public GnuPG key maybe and sign stuff?)


Michael Garcia a.k.a. @thecrazygm
The images are Public Domain.
Upvote and resteem please!

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