I didn´t say goodbye yesterday to all people I met in Amsterdam. I started feeling sad couple of hours before going up to my room, room 128. Was it room 128 or room 129? I´m not sure now. What I´m sure about is that next to my room was @wingz´s room. After one last drink with him in the bar on the top floor on Friday night around 3:30 am we took the lift together to realise after a minute while going down, that our rooms were next to each other.
I have to say this English gentleman knows how to party ☺. What a strong and funny personality this guy has. You only can make a reverence for him.
Although I had to drive for 5 hours today to Frankfurt today in the morning, I felt like this magical thing that has happened this weekend in Amsterdam was going to finish when taking the lift in the lobby. That´s the reason why yesterday night around 1 am, I sat on the sofa next to the entrance just watching the people talk and play table football (at that moment @phenom and his Russian developer friend were destroying some players. Specifically @andrarchy. I still remember how he celebrated one of his goals moving his arm to the sky and a shouted “yes!!” I sat without talking for a while, just observing, just enjoying the moment, enjoying the sadness.
Minutes before @heiditravels and Vanessa @nomadnessie (German futball is been always strong) beat my ass and @rumanianfriend´s (sorry I forgot your user name, I do remember your very nice idea to create that bot). What a down-to-earth woman (where is your next travel? ☺ )(that´s a bunch of pancakes)

@Kevinwong was siting also there in a chair in front of me. Couple of minutes before he brought a bottle of a very nice whisky and the plastic glasses were still upside down since the bottle wasn´t open yet. On my right @mammasita was talking to @Roelandp about something I couldn’t hear.
➢ I looked at Kevin, Kevin looked at me, I looked at the bottle, Kevin smiled and he asked me for a key to open it. I gave him the key of the rented car I had but it didn’t work. After one minute trying, he managed to open it. One last drink in Amsterdam. On my right there is a nice fella very tall who was explaining to Kevin and me that he usually falls in love once a year because he likes that very much.
I close my eyes and hundreds of scenes come to my memory.
@ mammasitta: It was a really nice conversation that last one we had when you said this was not a platform or community. It was a “movement” I couldn’t agree more
btw @Andrarchy. You are the man, honestly, you have impressed me. When you were on the stage I could have listened to you for two hours. Honestly, it felt too short and your small talks with everyone… Wow man, always making good points and accepting other people´s opinions.
4 hours before I was sitting in next to @juanmiguelsalas with Vanessa, @heiditravels and @blueorgy having a beer after dinner at the dinner table:

What a guy this Juanmi, a pure Cuban. A pure personality with principles, a funny guy that capture the attention as soon as he opens his mouth because he doesn´t speak just trough his vocal cords, he speaks direct from his heart. You can feel that in every sentence he says. I´m sure we will be friends.
Sunday 5:25 pm:
@lafona comes from his tour. I was tired after walking trough Amsterdam so I stayed playing some video games in that amazing place where there were free beer and free retro video games thank again to @Roelandp.
➢ So are we going to the tower or what?
➢ I don´t know, I think we should, on the top it has to be and amazing panoramic view.
➢ Juanmi are you coming?
➢ Sure, let´s go.

Adam, you are one of the people that have most impressed me in the whole weekend man. You are so intelligent and at the same time so humble. I really hope we keep in touch and you know you if you want to come with your wife to Bremen you know you have already a place to stay :-)
Friday 19:00: I finally met @razvanelulmarin
I felt so good when I saw you man. So many conversations during so many months and there you were. You are so funny!!, that last conversation about the quince hahahaha EPICCCC, no one knew!!! I´m so happy that I know you now in person :-) and your girlfriend is such a nice person really.
@beanz you are the best lol It´s not the picture with Ned you are looking for but there are you go your pic with @gargon :)
And your brother is such an interesting guy, he knows about everything!! I felt like I was learning everytime he said something :)
This one is just a nice picture, it was taken while we were going to the metro and when we suddenly found ourselves in this beautiful square with that castle.

Next one is just one picture a been a little bit intoxicated
P.S @svk we need to find out who is @mata!!! The best curator of steemit!! I was so happy to find out that I wasn´t the only one obsessed with the guy hahah
@Felixxx you are awesome man, I felt like i could talk to you a lot and thanks for sharing your thoughts with me about what you already know what heheh
@twinner is you analyze it please let me know, we need to get better hehehe and he is the man
@blocktrades I loved that you voted my mum´s (@dulcinea) first post, thanks for that :-) or maybe i need to thank your Argentinian friend that you told me about hehe
@ned that last speech when we finished the dinner made me feel emotional! thanks for that moment
@rocket.chat you are too handsome man hahaha, not really you are such a funny guy and at the same time all you told me about ur plans for your company..so impressive. Power up man, power up hahaha
I could keep go on and on because i think I had a laugh with like 80% of all the people on steemfest.