Winners of the 100 SBD Steemfest bountyhunt for Ned's head announced!

Hello Steemers!

I thank all who participated for doing so! I hope the head hunt was fun for all of you who took part!
First I hope everyone had a nice time at the Steemfest!
There was a quite large number of entries and the choice was rather hard to make!


Congratulations to the 100 SBD winner @knozaki2015 with this beautiful picture of Ned! edit which declined his prize and instead wants to distribute the 100 SBD evenly on the next 4 runner ups!

Just look at that happy CEO face! The hair in the wind on a bright shiny day, the smile, not too humble, not to arrogant!
IMHO this is the perfect catch of Ned's head! We have the everything we need in one picture, full face, yet a bit from the side, not to forget the hairs! Simply everything is in it! Congratz once again Knozaki!

The 2nd and 3rd place go to and @everlove each getting 100 STEEM!
Here we have a beautiful side view on the price head with 2 ladies silently sneaking up his back to stand a chance and take a 100$ worth photo! I find this one particularly good as it shows more of the hairstyle!
I think other businessmen and CEO's might take a lesson from Ned on this one!

Another beautiful picture staring the frontal of Ned's head! He seems overly relaxed on this one! I'm glad to see even the man at the top has time to relax!

The 3rd, 4th and 5th positions go to,,, @xanoxt, @gardenofeden and @saramiller!

The hunted man letting go of the worries, wonder what this lead to...

An quite unusual photo of Ned! I couldn't help it but staring at it for quite a few minutes thinking about what is missing there,,, then it clicked! It lacks the hairstyle! Yet thou, man seems pretty darn serious on this one!
Very nice job on the cap! I imagine this ones might go viral after this photo was leaked to the public eyes!

The most direct shot of Ned in the contest! seems like he's having a good time here, maybe shot in a coffeshop?

Ned's reading reaction winners:



Last but not least I decided to throw in another 50 STEEM reward for this cute picture of Ned by

Once again congratulations to all winners and I hope everyone had fun on the headhunt!
I hope no damage was done to Ned's head and hairs in the hunt!
For the end some honorable mention's:

Kind regards, OZ!

P.S. I will be sending the prizes out first thing tomorrow morning as it is late where I'm at! Thanks for understanding!

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