If You Want It, You Can Have It ❤ "Heart-Rate-Date!"❤ PT 3: My Secrets of Motivation

Do you ever feel like you wish you could move that body but you're too tired or lack the motivation to get up, spread those limbs and do it?

But since we're dating now, I can tell you all of my secrets and all of my little tricks. I have found some useful ways to help motivate myself to be the best me I can be and I want to share them here with you!

A Series on Health, Wellness, Fitness & Nutrition
With @heart-to-heart
Date #3: What Motivates Me?

(If you missed Date 1, click here & Date 2, click here)
This was me today... zero want to be on the mat but I pulled through, I sweat it out and ended up feeling incredible- so much more energy and creativity came to me! Let me tell you how!
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Two nights ago I took this photo below.
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If you look closely in the background behind me, you'll see it is dark, black from the night sky because it was about 8pm.

I usually “go to the gym” which means any variation of working out in my yoga studio outside around 10-11 am, after my breakfast smoothie and before lunch.

But not two nights ago.

I was working hard on an article and kept pushing it off until before I knew it (and could barely believe it) the sun had already gone down.

Most of me wanted to just shrug the day off and forgo my workout for the day. I could just skip it this time, make up for it later I thought.


I have to tell you, I entertained that thought for a little while and spent some more time reading here on Steemit.

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But that’s not what I promised you!

That's not helping my body get better!

That’s not what I am trying to inspire!

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Whoa, that was aggressive!


Someone needs to be!

We have to break through that lull and get the motivation juices flowing again!

So, let me share with you how I manage to kick myself into gear if ever I am feeling this way in hopes that it can motivate you in times of need as well!

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When I am feeling apathetic, lazy, uninterested... generally un-motivated, I use a couple of tricks to keep me on track.

Use social commitment to hold you accountable

Either organize some friends, join a group or generally let people know what you're doing (see what I'm doing?)
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If you’re feeling low on your motivation scale or are lacking inspiration you should try to connect yourself to people or things that will hold you accountable. Sometimes just the thought of knowing that someone else is going to be expecting you to do it, can have a very powerful effect on your willingness to keep treading water, even though you might feel like sinking.
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Use an app or pre-organized workout to keep the workout flowing without extra effort.

I have downloaded multiple apps for workouts designed for specific areas of the body and call on them when I am not vigorous enough to lead my own way. Type in 'workout' or similar on your App Store and browse away! Feel free to contact me for what I use!

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With this, I think it's really important to try to do exercises you especially like if you're feeling this way.

For example, I like jumping rope so I might start with that if I'm having an "I don't want to do this" day. Whereas pushups, not being my favourite might discourage me more.

Energy enhancements!

I drink matcha (green tea) or kombucha to get the blood pumping full of clean energy (no sugar-filled or caffeinated drinks.) Once my energy levels increase, my motivation becomes heightened (I recommend against coffee because it's known for coming with a crash and taken too late at night can keep you from being able to sleep!

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Really good beats can be all I need sometimes! I have been working at crafting my own playlists for this purpose but there are tons online already made, you just have to find one on your favourite media player, press play and go!

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Love Yourself!

I remind myself that I owe it to myself, I deserve it! I always feel like a new person after I push myself and it promotes self-love through not only sense of accomplishment but also through my energy levels, my physical appearance and mental health!

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We use a lot of energy in a day and exercise has been (unfairly) associated with taking more of that away.
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"I can’t work out today, I am too tired."

How many times have you caught yourself saying that?

Well, the truth is, that it actually gives you energy!

Did you hear that?

Gives, not takes! Positive, not negative energy!

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Don't forget to hydrate! You’ve got your heartbeat up, your blood coursing through your veins, your muscles loosened and your adrenaline pumping... if you don't get water into your system, you will inevitably feel depleted! Make sure to hydrate so you can feel great!

Working out causes endorphins in your brain to excite and will give you a boost of positive, euphoric feeling, which has been compared to that of morphine! How's that for a reason to give it a whirl?

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Right now, I'm sitting here, drinking some kombucha, willing some energy into my life, writing to you all about accountability and motivation when I should be out there myself, this very second! It's the time I like to exercise the most, it gives me added productivity for the rest of my day- so I'm just going to have to SNAP OUT OF IT!

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Through writing this post to you, I receive amplified motivation. I was going to go exercise today anyway... I promise, but it’s a rainy day and I just want to curl up with a warm tea and read your posts on here and make some new friends!

But my body is my temple, it’s the only one I will ever get and I need to show it the respect it deserves.

So, with that, be right back, I am going to take my own advice!

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AHHHH! I finally got myself out there and ready to go...

Then this happened.

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So, my puppy was making it really hard for me to do anything!
(Watch this little monster storm my workout)

This went on for 3 full songs... I was almost to the point of throwing in the towel because I couldn't make a move without her on top of me...but then she finally got tired of eating my hair and nibbling my kicking feet and finally passed out on my yoga mat.

Through it all, I stuck it out and used my friend, cardio to get me pumped up by using just a chair and some weights.

I stepped on and off of the chair, holding the weights in my hands and lifting alternating knees each step up.

I did this for about 15 minutes and when the sweat began pouring all over my body, the motivation arrived!
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So my dear Steemian family, we can together work towards holding each other accountable, to push each other, inspire each other and be the motivation that we all need!

I hope these tips that help me everyday work for you! 💜

I'm not really a 1-night-stand kinda gal-
I hope you want to see me again as much as I want to see you 😉 XO

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