How to create a word cloud from your account data - Have a look to Ned, Uwe, Jedi & Detlev

Here is a nice little tool

This is a word cloud created from my steemit account and the stuff I write about.

detlev word cloud .PNG

What is a WordCloud or sometime called TagCloud

I searched the web for you and found this:

A tag cloud or word cloud is a visual representation of text data, typically used to depict keyword metadata (tags) on websites, or to visualize free form text. Tags are usually single words, and the importance of each tag is shown with font size or color. This format is useful for quickly perceiving the most prominent terms and for locating a term alphabetically to determine its relative prominence. When used as website navigation aids, the terms are hyperlinked to items associated with the tag.

by Wikipedia

WordCloud Tool by @steemreports

Thanks to Andy Betsworth aka @andybets as he created thislittle tool. He is as well a Software Developer and a Singer-Songwriter and loves to get you as a follower.

How does it work?

This tool looks at your most recent blog posts and creates a word cloud showing the most common words you use. It starts with a word cloud generated from the trending posts.

There are more tools at

At the wesite your find a bunch of usefull tools around your steemit activities. Have a look.

What is Uwe writing about?

So, first I jenter the handle from my good old friend @uwelang and see that he is still a lot with Music and Dance and many other topics.

uwe word cloud .PNG

... and the Jedi is writing about...

This is interessting and I search for another great guy here at steemit. Mr. @jedigeiss himself. Here you see a lot german words and this means he posts a lot in that language.


And Ned?

So, as we know, you might chack any account, here we go and we have a look to @ned

ned word cloud .PNG

Wanne try yourself?

This is easy, and here is the Link to that little tool.

word cloud.PNG

Enjoy your day, have some fun and steem on!

" "detlev steemit klein.gif""

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