Introducing new changes
PIN Code for extra security
In Settings page user can choose their pincode for the app.
Once you set pincode, If app goes background or you restarted, it will ask for pincode before user can read or do any action. If pincode entered correct app will be unlocked, if fail to enter pincode more than 3 times, it will clear all user details from app and unlock app but you will have to relogin to start voting/commenting/posting, etc.Submit a Story
Users now can not only read and comment, but Submit a Stories as well. This initial implementation works fully, all markdown is supported and shown as preview before publish. Including Images and Links also possible via toolbar or manually markdown, though for now toolbar only takes url of image. But I am working on improvement on this, just like profile Picture upload/capture/select, user will be able to do all that in story submission.Vote Weight change
In Settings page, you can now set your default voting percentage, by default it is 100% which is equivalent of what steemit.com has. This will change all voting weight across app including downvote.Comment edit, delete
Previous version only allow user to leave a comment, vote. From this version, there is extra functionalities like delete and edit your comment. Additional Errors are shown if editing/deleting is not possible.Follow/Unfollow
Follow page functionalities are now implemented, you can follow your followers, unfollow who you followed. Number of followers and followings.App version
Bottom of side menu, user now can see app version for sending version related feedbacks.
- Profile picture change improved so that in case blockchain already has some json_metadata for your account, it will keep that info while adding profile picture info.
- Other User profile page also shows their picture, posts, feed, etc. Did you know you can other user's profile, from Search or open from Follow page?! Check it out...
- Many more improvement, check commit log for more info
- Current version has support for x86 devices along with armv7 Android devices
Future plans
Now that we have major functionality in place, we can concentrate on improving user experience further and as always your comments will be valuable...
- Mute functionality
- Edit/Delete Post functionalites (when allowed)
- Push notifications
- Private messaging
- Multilingual
- Read Later
- Scheduled Post

Google PlayStore
iOS AppStore
AppStore review is not done yet, but app is getting more functionality and I hope to push changes right after first review is done.
Few Screenshots...
Leave a comment
Leave comments below what you think can be improved, what confused you, questions, concerns?!
Check my blog @good-karma for past development notes.
Follow me for future updates, to contact/feedback, you can use #steemmobile or #esteem on steemit.chat as well.
Cheers, Feruz / @good-karma