Can I Succeed at Steemit as a SAH Mom?


Spend any amount of time on steemit, and you’ll run into posts about the tip & tricks to steemit and success stories. I’ve seen enough that made me think, “Well now why can’t that be me too?”

I don’t question why others are successful, while I’m sitting over here like meh. Read enough posts, and the tips become repetitive. One of the biggies is time. Yes, succeeding at anything really, takes time. And as a stay-at-home mom to three little ones, that is something I don’t have a whole lot to spare.

Right now, my steemit “strategy” is just to distractedly poke around here and there throughout the day. This has proven to be a lose-lose situation for everyone involved. (Especially for my dirty dishes. Do those ever go away?)

So if I really want to make something out of this (which I do, otherwise why would I have signed up?) then I’m going to have to take a different approach.

I suppose first things first, would be to define what succeeding at steemit looks like. I’d like to see a consistent increase in followers, increase in upvotes, and make enough money to pay the electric bill. That’s a start anyways.

So how am I going to change my strategy to make this happen? Well among implementing the other tips(go look up any post on this topic, seriously, the advice is all the same) I’m going to devote an hour each day to working here on steemit(excluding writing posts).

“What?! Is she nuts?” sensing laughter Have you been reading? I’m a stay-at-home mom to three little ones. Ask any mom, and I’m sure they will tell you an hour is a long time. I think there’s a reason there aren’t many SAH moms on here(that I’m aware of) and that’s because our priorities are..different. We already have a 24/7 job taking all our time, so it’s hard to find any more time(or energy!) to devote to something on the side. So I will stick to this hour a day thing and see how it pans out.

To all my stay-at-home momma(and working momma) friends out there, we can do it!!
If you know any SAH mommas out there, direct them my way. I’d love to make some new friends.

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