23,349 Views from Google on 1 Steem Post?

23,349 views on 1 post in 2 months.png

How do we write posts that get the most views on Steemit? Will we see how 1 post got 23,349 views in 2 months because we can repeat the formula to automatically get new readers, gain new followers, and increase the value of Steem?


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Let's take a moment to celebrate an incredible fact ... 2 STEEMIT POSTS JUST TOPPED THE FORTUNE.COM ARTICLE IN GOOGLE SEARCH! This is the real power and opportunity we have here on Steemit to have our voices heard above other established websites which are stuffed full of ads and have opinions censored by editors afraid of losing advertising revenue. For those of you marketing geeks, I did the search in an incognito window to ensure I did not bias it with my own clicks ... and then I clicked again to help bias it :)

Key learning objectives

  1. Write posts with Google in mind from the beginning to build readers steadily over time.
  2. To earn more on every post, start with buying more Steem, powering it up, and upvoting our own posts combined with sharing to our existing social networks and being an avid reader of posts by other authors on Steem!
  3. Repeat with at least one post a day indefinitely while watching the results continue to snowball!

Detailed steps to make a post that gets the most views!

  1. Notice limitations in what we search for especially when an exciting opportunity comes along that is hard to learn more about or when painful problems arise in life that are really annoying and often hard to talk about or find help for. Remember exactly what steps we take in looking for help including what we search for. See what is most frustrating about the search results and imagine what could be added to make things easier. I noticed that almost no one was making clear price predictions for the cryptocurrencies that were both timely and detailed. Meanwhile, I wanted to know what other investors thought would go up and down. That led me to step 2.
  2. Vomit every single possible solution, question, problem, and consideration into one master post because Google prefers wikipedia style "one post fixes everything" search results. Google seeks to make users the most happy and tracks that by behavior on search pages. If Googlers find our post, read it, and close the tab or click links out of it, Google figures the user was satisfied. When users click back and visit more pages, and modify search results, Google assumes the user is frustrated and not finding what they are looking for. Established websites with ads and annoying formats give us a huge opportunity here to rank first easily on Google when we cram everything into one epic post because the odds of positive signals to Google are maximum! My cryptocurrency price predictions for July 2017 post is getting readers nearly every minute from Google because it has over 15,000 total words on the page. The second place post by comparison has 1478 which is less than 10%. Bigger is better on Google as long as it is quality rather than keyword stuffing.
  3. Review results and repeat! While the July cryptocurrency price predictions article was the first successful post I had on Steemit using this format, I have already done this a lot of times on https://jerrybanfield.com/blog/ where we can see hundreds of existing posts. As soon as I signed up for Steem, I switched to putting all my new blog posts only here for maximum search engine ranking. My blog still gets 20,000+ clicks a month from Google search even though I have not added anything new for months! Getting readers searching for what we write is the ideal way to build an audience online and the foundation of my strategy here on Steem!

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Power user tricks!

  1. Make videos and then use edited transcripts to make the posts along with an embedded video! For the post I reference here, this is exactly what I did because it took me less than an hour to say everything in the post but would have taken much longer to write it. For the lowest cost, do our own transcripts. For the lowest time, hire help with transcripts and ending.
  2. Test shorter posts on many subjects to see what gets more traction combined with reading feedback from others to get new ideas. I am 20 to 50 ideas ahead of my ability to make actual posts with new ideas coming daily!
  3. Setup automatic sharing to Facebook and Twitter to get initial views and feedback as shown at ... wait let me Google that for you to show another example at https://www.google.com/search?q=steemit+facebook+twitter+auto+posting.
  4. Focus on what we are giving more than getting. While I verify my posts are getting upvotes, I spend 90% of my time on what I create. The amount earned on each post matters little compared to the master plan of building the audience which continues to guarantee even more upvotes going forward. Many of the posts I found were 10 months old that helped me get started on Steem which motivated me to write all new versions of everything they shared.
  5. Invest in Steem by selling everything else! Withdraw money from boring retirement accounts, CDs losing to inflation, cryptocurrencies speculated up with no real value, and any investments without a passion. I cashed out every single retirement account I had and only keep a prudent reserve of several months of bills in my checking accounts. EVERYTHING ELSE IS IN STEEM including all of the cryptocurrency investments I made before. Yes I realize there may be tax penalties because I paid them myself. Yes I understand if my prophecy about Steem is wrong I am going to lose all of my retirement money and all of my investment portfolio. So what? Go big before going to the grave and then start all over again! No money? Try borrowing some and explain why or do such a good job writing that whales will delegate Steem Power. Some of the top authors have huge amounts of Steem Power delegated to them which allows for an upvote that guarantees placement at the top of the hot page followed often by a spot on the trending page. Have a plan to get upvotes that is solid to help get at least $10 a post to get a return on the time invested. I prefer to upvote those that can upvote me back with the majority of my voting power while I am making a plan to assist 100 authors with very little Steem Power using my automatic upvotes.

With almost 3,000 words on this original post plus likely that many more about to come from comments, I hope we have a system here that makes it clear the exact nature of the ideal work to do here both for maximizing individual earnings and for making the great contribution to Steem! Every view I bring is a potential new follower for you and every view you bring is a potential new follower for me.

Would you work together with me to write the posts that help users the most because this is the best way I see today to accomplish our life's purpose here together of helping each other?

Jerry Banfield

PS: Witness votes are the most powerful votes we make on Steem because one vote for a witness lasts indefinitely! Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because when we make our votes, we feel in control of our future together?

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