Commenting on Steemit

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Day 23 Question by @dragosroua

May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Three: How Many Comments Per Day Do You Post? Why?

Join the Challenge here

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How Many Comments Do I Write a Day?

The first answer which came to my mind was: A LOT!

But that is one of those answers which doesn't mean a thing. A lot, a little, hard work or easy is so subjective that it is a meaningless statement to say that I write a lot of comments a day.

Luckily, I have by my side which has many neat features - among them that you can filter how many comments you wrote per day.

That is what I needed. It doesn't give you the number, you still have to count, but it really helps to get a good idea about your own behavior on this platform. Or, if you feel like it, you can check what other people are up to.

Here is what the comment filter function looks like

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I counted a few days and came close to 50 comments for several days, one was around 30 +. I also comment for the @freewritehouse. Between the two accounts, I can safely say that I write at least 50 comments a day.

Dang. That is a lot!!!


Why do I Write so Many Comments?

There are several reasons for this.

  • When I first got started here, a more experienced and successful Steemian @flauwy was nice enough to answer all the questions I asked in the comments on his blog posts. One of his suggestions was to write at least five comments on someone else's blog for each post of your own. Ten is better. I took that to heart and made it my policy.

  • If someone leaves me a comment, I respond to each one. That can lead to lots of comments.

  • I run the Daily Freewrite Prompt Project and every day, anywhere from 20 to 50 people participate. As much as I can, I try to read their submissions and leave a comment (and a vote).

  • Many of the content creators on this platform are my friends now and I try to get to their blogs to comment at least once in awhile.

  • I participate in challenges like this and try to comment at least on a couple of posts of other participants.

That pretty much wraps it up. To really get to everyone, I need to comment more 😜

How are you doing with your commenting? Do you have a strategy or a target number? Do you only comment on posts of people you already know or are you seeking out newcomers as well? Do you like to write long comments or rather short and to the point?

@glenalbrethsen I know what you are going to say! 😄

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My Previous Posts for this Challenge

Day 2 -How to Handle a Windfall of 1000 Steem

Day 3 -Trying to Chose the Best Thing Steemit Has Done for Me

Day 4 - 5 Witnesses and my Why

Day 5 - My Top 5 Crypto Holdings - Day 5

Day 6 - Why am I still on Steemit - Day 5 - 30 Day Writing Challenge

Day 7 - 3 Things I Like to Change on Steemit

Day 8 - Most Consistent Hobby in the Past 5 Years.

Day 9 -Steemit in 5 Years from Now

Day 10 - My Favorite Morning Drink

Day 11 - Hive Mind or Smart Media Tokens

Day 12 - Most Popular Crypto Currency in Five Years

Day 13 - My 3 Top Cities

Day 14 -My Favorite Writing topic

Day 15 -How Many Posts Per Day?

Day 16 - Steemit & I in Five Years

Day 17- If Steemit Stops Paying - Stay or Leave?

Day 18 -My "Other" Social Media Life

Day 19 - My Three Favorite Movies

Day 20 - The First Person(s) I followed on Steemit

Day 21 - The Worst Thing about Steemit for Me

Day 22 - What Do I Consider a Worthy Post on Steemit

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Join us for the daily 5 - Minute Freewrite. Check my profile for a new prompt every day.

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All images are my own unless otherwise cited.

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My recent posts

What Do I Consider a Worthy Post on Steemit

Garden Projects - D-Live

First D-live

I got replaced 😟

Gratitude- Day 4

My Three Favorite Movies

Gratitude - Day 2

Freewrite Prompt Day 211

Gratitude - Day 1

When did I decide to Stay on Steemit?

How Many Posts Per Day?

Every Day - A new Start

If you find a post after the seven days, please consider upvoting a more recent post.

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#SoCalSteemit is building and supporting the Steemit community of Southern California. If you are from SoCal and are into creating quality content here on Steemit, we'd love for you to follow us @SoCalSteemit and join our group on Discord!


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Award by @japhofin8or


Thank you @enginewitty for the banner

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Click on the graphics to vote for Enginewitty as a witness

Join us at the Freewrite House for fun and games!!! Weekly drawing for SBI memberships and so much more!!


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