Steem currency today increased 16% / Steem币今天增长 16%

From what I know Steemit almost two weeks, from the highest 0.006 to 0.00226 yesterday,
just started learning when I bought about $500, the price at 0.0043, Morning sleep together, has risen by about 16%,
I bought yesterday a lower price,An increase of almost 25%, 0.002 pending order the night before, there has been no deal, I want down to 0.002, but never down, Are there any opportunity to buy cheap,You may never fall less than 0.002 or less, I only bought too little, come on down :)
从我开始接触Steem 差不多两周时间, 从最高的0.006到昨天的0.00226, 2周前,刚开始测试Steem的时候,我买大约$500, 价格在0.0043, 昨天的购入Steem, 早上睡起来,已经涨了大约25%, 前天晚上挂单0.002,一直没有成交,我希望趺至0.002,但始终没有下来, 转至Steem Power, 每天也在增加, 但对比起来,Steem增长更快

大鲸鱼们,你们赶紧砸呀, 我在等着 :)
Big whales you sell it quickly,I'm waiting for purchase

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