Make your posts Unique using personalized graphics!
Creating your own custom STEEMIT-centric images is easy with MSPaint, which comes pre-loaded in your Windows software. All you have to do is learn how to shamelessly paste the steemit logo using this simple method.

With the amount of users increasing on steemit, we are seeing a large amount of shitposts. Contents are running rampant, and clickbait rules the roost. How do you get noticed in a sea of slime?
I have been on steemit for about 2 months, and have slowly gained 200 followers. I refuse to follow-for-follow and all of my followers have been gained honestly. I am not always able to post every single day, but when I do, I try to put a decent amount of effort and inject some meaning into my posts. Unfortunately, not everyone finds me as interesting as my wife and thats O.K. I know steemit will not make me a millionaire.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words but a quality blog graphic can be worth a thousand votes. The problem is finding quality graphics without infringing on copyright. There are free services that have royalty-free stock photos such as and Unfortunately, a simple stock photo may not be enough to attract attention, so I have compiled a quick tutorial on how to throw the STEEMIT logo on top of everything you do!
Creating a custon STEEMIT graphic
Find and open MSPaint. If you do not know where it is, search in your windows bar for Paint
Open up a copy of the Opaque steemit logo. Save this file to your computer, link to my Imgur copy HERE
Copy the image using select all (CTRL+A) and copy (CTRL+C)
Open a stock image and resize it as you wish using the resize tool
Paste the Opaque photo on top of your stock photo using the "Paste From" dropdown on the Paste Clipboard
You may resize the STEEMIT logo from here, but beware of pixelation if you increase the size too much.
Sit back and enjoy your creation, and post for the STEEMIT community to enjoy as well
Feel free to post some of your own custom graphics work here for everyone to see!
Consider downloading Markdown Pad2 to edit and save your posts right HERE
Image source Pexels
Thanks to all the witnesses helping PALnet and minnowsupport become a great community network. Please vote for them and throw more blocks their way for the work they do! @someguy123, @thecryptodrive, @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @teamsteam, and a key supporter @canadian-coconut. Don't forget about @acidyo and @neoxian

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FREE scarf giveaway, enter today for your chance to win a handcrafted gem!
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Follow your dreams, success is right in front of you!
Joining the PALnet minnowsupport group
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Setting up a crypto mining rig to make $300 a month while you are away
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As well as this one which asks "why are we here on Steemit"