Be careful where you click! | Steem Phishing | Stolen SBD from users |

Be careful on what you find on Steemit. Not all links go to where they say.

Unfortunately I was a target and lost out of my SBD and I didn't even realize till it was too late.

On one of my recent posts a comment was made by @aideedavies stating that my post is similar to others and that @GrumpyCat could down vote. Scared of the almighty Grumpy cat I stupidly clicked the "defend yourself" link that was on the post.

This took me to a post about @GrumpyCat
at first I read through the post, nothing seemed out of whack but I noticed I was no longer logged in

Usually this would spark red flags but as I had just cleared all my data from my chrome browser and thought "Oh, maybe I just have to log in again" Big Mistake.

It wasnt till it was too late that I realised the site the post was hosted on was not the REAL STEEMIT

After talking to friends they have noticed recent posts from the same person.

I want everyone to be aware that not all is safe, even if it looks it

Although @aideedavies is the one posting the links (from which looks to be a genuine account) they are not the one receiving the direct funds. @good-kama (You can also see everyone else they have phished funds from)

Everyone out there new and old to the Steemit platform, be careful. There are bad people out there
Does SteemIt know this is happening?

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