An alteration to my art algorithm and here is the output!

This is why I love the Steemit community and the loyal band of Steemers who contribute daily to the life force that is Steemit.

So after my post yesterday @drinkzya commented and shared a fantastic idea with me ‘Would have been cool to see all their names mixed with the words on the board :P’.

Yesterday’s art piece and post can be found at @opheliafu/engage-with-steemit-because-your-words-paint-a-picture . It builds upon the 'Hard fork my art' piece I did earlier this week about the power of Steem- find it @opheliafu

Well challenge accepted @drinkzya! A slight alteration to my art algorithm and here is the output!

And this is the piece of art now that I have added all the names to it. If you're 1 of the 25 bloggers + @drinkzya who contributed see if you can find your name!
@eeks @modprobe @alexgr @xerneas @alwaysfelicia @anca3drandom @unicorn.jenoodle @makimoto @dimon14 @sykochica @brianphobos @arcadeparadise @condra @albertfall @cryptofunk @streetstyle @shortcut @cultura.bitcoin @sykochica @cobaltskky @edgeland @bitminter @pixielolz @peezaroni @soldatchristi + @drinkzya

Wow! I love it when people engage and collaborate, it's what makes Steemit grow into such an amazing place! Keep blogging Steemers :)

Catch more posts @opheliafu

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