How to get a post on Steemit Trending - What the data tells us

Failure to understand how the trending page works on Steemit and get my posts to the top, I have decided to look at some data to see what insights I can find out.

On 2nd Aug I scraped and I extracted 249 posts which I dumped into an Excel Spreadsheet.

The info that I scrapped gave me the post title, author, number of votes, the tag used and the payout value.

From this data alone, what can we establish?

In total 171 Authors have posts on the trending page scraped.

20% (51) of the posts on trending are made up of 7% (12 authors) of all authors on Trending.  Below is a table showing the 20% of author sorted by the number of posts they created that is on the trending page.  

Excluding negative votes, the minimum vote count for a post on Trend is only 27, however the max post count found on the posts on trending was 3678.  Below is the top 12 authors based on the average vote count per post on trending


 Jerrybanfield, dollarvigilante and kingscrown are all in both the Authors with the most number of posts in trending and the highest average votes on a post.  

And below is the bottom 10 based on average vote count

On the payments side the average post payment is $161, the highest being $840 and lowest is $55.  Who got the highest average post value?  The table below shows the top 12 authors with posts on trending sorted by average pay out value.

Kingscrown is the only author that is now on the top of each report shown so far, 4 posts on the trending page, the average votes per post is in the top 12 and average payout is also in the top 12.

Other accounts that appear on two lists are Jerrybanfield, dollarvigilante, joshsigurdson, dan and

 And below is the bottom 10 authors with posts on the trending page sorted by lowest average pay out.


What is interesting about the lower 10’s is that many of these authors only have 1 post on trending

Next I had a look at the tags

First I sorted by the tag with the most number of trending posts


Then by average number of votes


And by average post value


The only real trend here is that there are 4 tags that seem to do well in terms of hitting the trending page.  Cn, Bitcoin, life and art.  These are popular tags anyway so it would be expected to see a few posts from these tags on the trending page. But none of these are on the top average number of votes or average post value list.  This is a good thing, well it seems the niches do well as the tags do seem to vary

I have still not got any close to finding out the magic secret on getting my post to trending. I know posts need to have between 27 and 3679 votes with a value of $55 and $840.  To be honest this tells me nada.  

But I have identified a few authors that might hold the secret so I think it’s time to mash this data up with data from the SteemitSQL Database and get some real insights.  

Are you ready to see what I have uncovered?

First I connected to the TxVotes table, so I can see who is voting for these posts and for these top authors.  The problem I faced here was that the data I scraped from the web has no common field with the TXVotes data.

To overcome this, I needed to also connect to the Comments table, as this table contains the post title, and my web scraped data also has this field.  So I merged the TXVotes table with the comments table based on the permalink field to pull in the post title to the TXVotes table.

Now I have data I can work with…(I love this stuff!!!)

Who are voting for the Authors with posts on the trending page?  Are there any patterns or people in common?


Above is a network chart. The colour dots represent authors on the trending page.  The grey dots with the black text represent the voters.  It’s obvious from this visualisation that there are a number of accounts standing out as a common voter on many posts on the trending page.

Zooming in a little so you can make out some names. We are looking in particular the name in the black as these accounts seem to be voting on a number of trending post authors


I looked at some of these accounts in black….noting interesting really.  They might even be voting bots.  There are new accounts and have not been delegated any Steem power by anyone (I feel like an investigation journalist looking for something sinister.)

Trending posts and votes from Whales

I have also taken a look at the voting relationship between the Authors on the trending page and the top 250 Whales.  To do this I needed to add a new table to my data set.  So I have scraped data for the top 250 whales from and added this to my data set.

It is very interesting to observe that the authors with the most posts on the trending page seems to get a number of votes from other whales…………..

In total there were 66875 votes on the 249 trending posts.  Of this 1907 was a vote from a Whale in the top 250 whales. That’s 3% of total votes on trending posts.  And averages out at 7.6 whale votes per post on trending page. So who is getting above that average?

On the bottom, it is interesting to see that some posts only have 1 whale vote and the lowest voting weight is 20%. This is interesting. I have a chance of getting a post to the trending page with 1 whale vote at 20%

I also took a look at the whales that were voting and at what % there are voting on trending posts.  The average voting weight is just 50% although there are a considerable number of whales voting for trending posts at 100%



The charts and data I have shown are only part of the analysis I carried out to see how to get a post on the trending page.  What I have established is that the value of a post is of utmost importance.

In order to get value quickly you need to rely on votes from whales.  We have seen that a number of authors have a few posts on the trending page, and tend to trend on a regular basis.  Well know I know why.  It is these same authors that are getting high volumes of whale votes.  

Can us minnows compete with that and get a place on the trending page?  Highly unlikely.  Unless of course Steemit changes the way the Trending page works.

I also found some other stuff during this analysis that I have not shared.  The reason, well if I am write, or wrong, playing the name or shame game will only get me down voted ( I don’t like down vote bullies).  I found a Whale voting accounts that seem odd to me.  Seem funded and seem to be voting for the same 4 authors on trending time and time again.

A big thanks to  @furion for steemdata and   @heimindanger  for

If you enjoyed this post please do follow me, I post on Excel, PowerBI, Business Intelligence, Steemit, Data, Stats and other things of interest

here is a full list of authors with a post on trending as I scraped on the 2nd Aug

 dan   kingscrown   keiserreport   officialfuzzy   rea   penguinpablo   oflyhigh   jerrybanfield   frostedace   joseph   kevinwong   deanliu   modprobe   gavvet   joshsigurdson   dollarvigilante   b0y2k    zararina   someone   crypticwyrm   steemcleaners   jphenderson   anarchospace   sirlunchthehost   witness-category   buildteam   kyriacos   rivalhw   steemdevelopers   slowwalker   jayjayjeffery   myfirst   kencode   oldstone   schmid   donkeypong   sebi99p   oldtimer   sndbox   hilarski   minnowbooster   lukestokes   awgbibb   patelincho   sportspodium    canadian-coconut   helene   madiba   ericvancewalton   dragonslayer   krystle   dianargent   stacee   rheteric   marty-arts   jubi   cherryblossom-sa   siddartha   nicolemoker   mylifeasgoda   birds   clayton   senzenfrenz   crazymumzysa   barrysamways   laniakea   xxsenpaixsamaxx   btsabc   onceuponatime   walterz   scoop   pharesim   steemtruth   sallyswitchblade   agmalirsadi   cervantes   bigdaddy   isaria   blackbunny   natureofbeing   jameslashomb   kjablonski   jrcornel   sirwinchester   nexusfyre   hannahwu   elfkitchen   ocd   phelimint   papa-pepper   crypt   wledge   stan   ashleynau   steemit   jacor   atulmittal   stellabelle   voronoi   sgtreport   mindhunter   fathin-shihab   krnel   full-steem-ahead   schattenjaeger   in   strawhat   chitty   amylee   kus-knee   travelman   cqf   nerdfury   ramengirl   jenniferhosein   justincottle   nanzo-scoop   frostfractal   artguru   timcliff   cahlenlee   yyyy   paulie2coins   steem2themoon   aggroed   sammosk   bestofbest   leesunmoo   jeffberwick   cryptoqu33n   surfermarly   allasyummyfood   tribedownsouth   lydiachan   abdullar   gardenofeden   mynameisbrian   hansikhouse   bitcoinflood   buzzbeergeek   gringalicious   joythewanderer   sixexgames   justyy   teamsteem   vitkolesnik   rockchickjen   justmousepixels   jfollas   suesa   tygergamer   gamerpool   charlieshrem   anritco   kitcat   stackin   ana-edwards   clayop   htooms   birds90   steemdice1   wony   steemsports   coldhair   kafkanarchy   markwhittam   lemooljiang   sweetsssj    

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