My entry to the "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 6"

This is my first participation in the contest by @thedarkhorse. The easiest part of this contest is to find 3 people under 50 reputation whose content we enjoy. Talking a bit about one of their latest posts is also an easy part. Let's begin.

(As always, users will be ordered by their reputation level.)

@blackempror is an incredible person , he was actually the one that introduced me to steemit , he write about helpful topics to help new steemians , u can check out his latest post about"An Absolute comprehensive Beginner's Steemit FAQ : Welcoming & Familiarizing New Users - Steemit Newbies Guide"
So far he is the best writter i know of....

moving on is:

@the-fundraiser is into writting inspirational post , he is quite a good writter , check out his latest post "19 AMAZING AND COMPREHENSIVE TIPS FOR MINNOWS TO BOOST YOUR SELF ESTEEM."

moving on

@toyinbaruba is a writter who loves to write alot about all aspect of life , religious , economics ,politics etc..check out his latest post["Competition, or Cooperation, or Both: Economics Challenge 6".] (@toyinbaruba/competition-or-cooperation-or-both-economics-challenge-6).

Please give your support to these amazing people, who surely deserve a bit more credit in SteemIt.

@sanbi signing out.

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