#untalented-adjustments Contest Already Has More Than 800 Full-Blown Posts Beautifully Promoting Steemit. Let's Go Make #steemit Trend On Twitter.

                                                                                 Be "too lazy to quit".
For a good cause, a measure of stubborn is good. For success too!

I spent many trials today trying to reach the bottom of our ongoing #untalented contest called:

and i have a bad PC or perhaps, a tired google chrome as my browser keeps crashing before i can get to the bottom of it. 

I got to the bottom

Awesome to see the beauty we are creating by means of #untalented. As we all know #untalented is a curriculum and from steemit, it will enter the nooks and crannies of the world.

Note: #untalented can easily mean "extremely talented". e.g when they say "Terry the Baddest Guy" can just easily mean i am "dead good" or "those shoes are Bad Ass", can easily mean "those shoes are tight, hot, admirable".
Untalented is a catchy word but context-wise means "all levels of talents" where any attempt at out-of-the-boxness however nonsense it may look, is considered a talent itself, for there is sense in nonsense.
#untalented is thus a branch of @steemgigs that removes words like bum, smart, average etc replacing these words with the very broad/limitless phrase "everyone has something to offer!"

The #untalented contests is part of the curriculum that help play out these notions and established these sentiments in our minds as true within the depth of cores and open ours eyes to our true beauty besides what the books tell us, for while the books are an object of a curriculum, this curriculum is structured and has limits! Now the books aren't bad but opening our eyes to our true inner beauty will help us have deeper understanding even of the books e.g the underlying application of principles of the books etc

Thus, if i was a teacher, i would infuse the #untalented curriculum into the school's curriculum to where "flaws are allowed" e.g some kids will pass their exams off-paper, courtesy of other virtues that they possess e.g honesty, respect, integrity etc e.g if i told the child during class "a + b + c find x" and he stands up and says even stubbornly, "why do i have find "x" when "x" is boldly written and so not missing"; he just may pass etc

With all the events under the #untalented curriculum e.g the contests etc we are getting a clearly picture of a roadmap and developing an easy to understand whitepaper. With SMTs on the way, we may have more avenues to reach the world more far-reachingly, thus, we will continue to get a more vivid picture of what we want to accomplish with #untalented and create one of the simplest, easiest-to-understand whitepaper out there. 

Whitepapers shouldn't be so complex to understand, so we will create a simple one, removing all barriers to entry and opening the doors for even the "untalented" investors. 
We will even have kid investors!

For now #untalented is a branch of @steemgigs, so whatever name we get to decide for our Smart Media Tokens will be one that symbolizes pinpointly "everyone has something to offer". Basically, we would like to reward "proof of deed/service" and "proof of attempt-at-out-of-the-boxness". Hahaha, all the silly-looking-stuff will be refined overtime, while in the build-up we stay limitless and without horizons to attain spanlessness.

#untalented and Steemit Growth

For now, we keep using our own inner beauty and "shine" to promote steemit. In the ongoing #untalented-adjustments contests, we have shown so so so much inner-beauty. We have attained a newer level of personal growth just by participating. We have cried too and every and each tear grows us! 

There have been more than 700 full-blown post entries containing a piece of awesome us and a piece of awesome us is a gift to humanity every and each time. So it's time to share this awesomeness.

These posts didn't contain influenced-reviews or marketing-incentives. You don't get a referral for having someone join steemit. You simply shared an #untalented real piece of you and how you feel about steemit and most especially, we tried to tackle the aspects of life that have improved since we joined steemit, moreso than the financial gains. 

We also ascertained and established within our minds that "steemit is indeed beautiful", so much so that the next time we talk to someone about steemit, they will be moved to join steemit but mostly because they want to follow the beautiful person of you where it goes.

So we implore you to join in with us even if you didn't participate by first, reading some of the beautiful entries under #untalented-adjustments (more than 700 entries and counting)

e.g of some of them:

Then let's create a trending tag on twitter! 

I believe this is possible. 

Upon counting, i only deciding to stop counting upon reaching 700 individual posts. Well, i was expecting like 500 entries but entries are already going on 800 and this is not some tag spam as we created #untalented-adjustments specially for these contest and i counted mostly entries with the right headlines and skipped multiple entries from a user. 

So i am very sure of at least 700 individual post from 700 individual steemian each relating heartfeltly, how much amazing adjustments have happened in their lives since joining steemit. This is great for steemit growth overall as we are talking 700 such posts in the search engines etc

However, we would like you to join in with some minutes of your time, so that we can share as many of these entries as we can on twitter. 

We would like to also share these posts on twitter using #steemit and #untalented perhaps, we can create a trending tag on twitter. If convenient, we may also want to do the same on Facebook. 

Reddit is also a good place to share this posts but that will mean going on Reddit, signing in and submitting to a valid sub-reddit.
In the next few days, i am thinking of create a new sub-reddit etc to promote steemit by means of our #untalented steemit posts.

I would like us to focus on twitter though for this particular movement since we can easily share posts to twitter as seen below: 

Many of us have twitter accounts, thus, sharing some of these links is a breeze. Since we have around 700 steemians who participated in this contest, we must easily have 200 or more with twitter accounts as well as many steemians who can join in. 

Then if we all share at least 5 entries each to twitter, that's around 1000 steemit posts on twitter under #steemit and #untalented on average and i think we can create a trending tag on twitter with this combined action. I don't know how the twitter algorithms work but for most mainstream social apps, "traffic" can be picked up as relevance. Regardless of what the case may be, we would have stirred a movement on Twitter etc.

If your Twitter is set to update Facebook, even better!

Note: in the past few days, we were able to create #untalented-adjustments as a trending tag on steemit as seen here

If your Twitter is set to update Facebook, even better!

The Contest Update

For #untalented contests, every participant wins something. "No loser". However, for each contest, we use a new sub-untalented tag and in this case #untalented-adjustments. This means that you can use #untalented tag for any post as every level of talent and post fits in this genre.

Contests are also ever-green but only one entry is sufficient, while all other entries can fit in under the more generic #untalented

In the meantime, i have been able to curate around 300 to 400 entries and will endeavor to reach all entries. This is not an easy task considering that i have to open these entries, read them quickly and some slowly and leave comments on many. Thus, these does take time but remember that a post has 7 days till payout. For now, i must have curated all entries to this contest that are 5 and 6 days old. 

I am too grateful that you have joined in, in many of these #untalented contests starting from the first edition here that had more than 300 entries. I know it is intense and even strenuous to engage in full-blown post entries but with #untalented, beyond flaws, we cherish the act of selflessness and self-sacrifice and extra-effort especially on behalf of others, generations yet unborn and potential steemians too and that is why i put in effort as well to appreciate and visit all entries. 

Overall, no one should not be celebrated!


I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU. 

For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy. 
For the tech people on steem, like developers etc you can certainly now use this full RPC 256GB public node: 


Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?

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