"@theree2389" speaking in words of "@steemsecrets":
Hi, precious steemit family, i am your girl "@theree2389", a minnow of steemit but "whale inside" and i am speaking in the words of @steemsecrets.
On steemit, apart from outright "steem or steem dollar rewards", there are "opportunities".
Yes, even "breakthrough opportunities"!
So while my steem wallet may say "500 SP", i may be experiencing jackpot offline or online, outside steemit. In truth, not every minnow on steemit, isn't a whale outside steemit. Not every minnow is seeking money.
Bill Gates can already be a steemian, under the account @macrohard; would you know?
He simply may decide to hangout on steemit to know what's going on here; to have a new type of "social experience" or may have heard of #steemgigs as "hosting the best of talents" and he may have joined steemit, simply to find one.
But did you also know that "opportunities" can come from non-steemians too? Yes, your very next post can be the attracter of "breakthrough opportunities", straight from the search engines.
Note that; there are already testimonies to this!
There is more; "opportunities" can also be cooking up on steemit and may seek you out months or days from now.
Infact, new opportunities are cooking up everyday, just waiting to be pronounced "ready". For instance, what if @teardrops, a current minnow account on steemit, turns out "a large historical empire" tomorrow and seeks out several of its "lovers" to give them "opportunities", and large wallets of valuable teardrops tokens. Is that out of place?
While you may be actively seeking upvotes, creating posts, etc; some, know that not every "successful steemian" blogs. They also know of the existence of "opportunities" and are patiently seeking that too!
The truth is; if you aren't so aware also of the existence of "opportunities" on steemit, even when it seeks you out, you may reject it.
e.g if all you know of "is a motorbike"; if someone gives you "a Rolls-Royce", even for free, you may be apprehensive about receiving it and lose the "opportunity" altogether. You will not even "see", that you can take the Rolls-Royce, sell it, buy "one motorbike" and give out the left-over money to me.
Going back: when it comes to "opportunities"; when you eventually find one, please know that, there is "the tip of the opportunity", "the whole opportunity" and "lost opportunity" and "your very next post" and "the way you engage during a eventual conversation", may be the very determinant of which you will get.
People online in general, have very limited information about you. People seeking to give you "opportunities" will seek your simple-looking steemit posts out as they try to establish your substance and whether to give you an opportunity or not!
Then, speaking of conversation; assuming you have spotted the "opportunity" and it is time to converse about it, do you go all "ambitiously hasty" during your conversation or do you pace things aright?
"Be slow about speaking!".
"There was life before "the opportunity".
You can have already lost an entire "breakthrough opportunity", without ever knowing you did, within the space of one simple-looking conversation.
So, be slow about speaking.
Pace things out aright during conversations.
"Shine your eyes" my people!
Sumptuous Meal For Thought
- did you visit "steemit" history or did you jump steps?
- Are treating "steemit" like you would "real life"?
- There is a "lot of facts" that you don't have, so why hurry when it comes to conclusion
- There is sense in nonsense
- Be whale inside-out
- Are you applying foresight too, when it comes to attaining "steemit success" or are you just looking?
- Shine your eyes
- There are opportunities on steemit apart from upvotes and financial rewards and you have missed many
Message From @steemsecrets
Please follow awesome @theree2389, if you picked something of special value from this post.
Kindly follow @steemsecrets on steemit, not to miss out on releases and please keep tabs on its Dtube channel for shareable videos.
Note: We will celebrate each minnow as whales and whales as whales, for
Each one will learn while teaching this rare knowledge and will become "whale inside" after each endeavor as we build a shareable library of the fastest-rarest "Steemit" speed-up knowledge in the most assimilateable sweet bits.
Then, "fulfilling success" we will attain!
Knowledge dispensed is "life knowledge" underlyingly and this applies on steemit and beyond. Please see the other releases on @steemsecrets if you haven't.
At the end of each exercise, each participant will be "whale inside" on steemit, in the ocean and in real life.
Follow @steemsecrets, so that you never miss out on any release! Contact us to share in the celebration by featuring on our channel, else we will be contacting you soon!
If You Want To Watch & Share A YouTube URL Of The Video Above:
@theree2389 a minnow on steemit shines as she reveals the 9th release of the fastest-rarest Steemit speed-up knowledge in the words of @steemsecrets.
Additional reference:
- Steem Secrets #1 (Delivered By @sunnylife): "You Are Whale To Me!"; This Is Where Your Steemit Journey Should Begin.
- Steem Secrets #2 (Delivered By @ankarlie): "You Own Steem". We Take Steem To The Moon.
- Steem Secrets #3 (Delivered By @enjieneer): "Rewards" On Steemit Involve Way Bigger Things Than "Money". Abeg, Shine Your Eyes!
- Steem Secrets #4 (Delivered By @gerel): Shake The Steem Blockchain With A Piece Of Awesome "YOU", For "There Was Life Before Steemit".
- Steem Secrets #5 (Delivered By @allerie00): Much Of The INTEL That You Will Need, To Attain "Steemit" Success, Lies In "History".
- Steem Secrets #6 (Delivered By @itsjessamae): The Rarest INTEL About Steem Wallets. For Success Even On Steemit, "Respect" Is Involved.
- Steem Secrets #7 (Delivered By @zoeroces): To Really Shine On Steemit, You Will Need To Be Slow About "Conclusions".
- Steem Secrets #8 (Delivered By @athenabree08): To Succeed On Steemit You Will Need A Lorry Load Of Foresight. See This Rare Intel!
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