Community announcement from @steepshot team

Today we would like to announce several items in our development.

Web browser version

We slightly shifted the plans for its release, because we feel like it is necessary to focus on developing a mobile application for iOS and improve what’s currently released for Android.

This is what the web browser version will look like, now it is under development.

Mobile application

The iOS test version is close to the App Store publishing.

In a week our team is going to participate in the Fintech Hackathon Minsk 2017. Together we are going to implement some new features and finalize the test application for two platforms (iOS and Android).

The event starts on April 21. We will further place a report about our participation.


We think that now is the time to become more open and have already created a special group in . We invite everyone. Ask questions and share ideas.

From our side, the question is:

  • What means of communication and messaging apps are preferable to you except

Plz share your ideas in comment section:

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Telegram
  • Discord
  • …?

Happy Easter to all Steem Community!

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