Are we only here to feed the narcissists?

@dollarvigilante fan? Skip this post please.
This post requires an open, objective point of view before reading! You have been warned.

People like @dollarvigilante are a curse for this platform, but it requires to have an open, objective point of view. Don't get me wrong, the guy deserves all the credit for what he's accomplished in his lifespan to be clear.

But here's what he's doing wrong and why it could become the downfall of Steemit.

He only promotes or talk about steemit as 'something' to make a quick cash grab. Not one post has highlighted what steem is all about, the technical advantages, or the future it could be embrassing. I even dare to quote a line from his posts that almost made me puke

$15,000 later and it had caught my attention! Now, I
realize my popularity in the liberty and crypto space is what made the
post gain so much money in upvotes. But it was then that I began
really looking into Steem and Steemit.

So it took him 15k to have a look at Steem.
This means, if his post had failed, we would have never seen him again.

Every post contains **How i made XXXX $ in just XX hours time! ** Every post has **but i earn it, **
I'm not a one night success and how hard he worked to make those bucks.

Hold it right there and let me tell you something.

You are an overnight success on Steemit. Like said yourself, you didn't really cared about Steemit, you just heard of a thing where you could make some quick cash like you admited.

You did not work hard for the upvotes you got, all you did was post an article (Note: using a guide)

And yet, there you are, every single post rubbing into others users, community members, on how you got the big payout check in just a couple of hours, while some amongst them have been working for weeks to create for example a usefull tool, like,, and many, many more.

Some of these guys only got 40-ish upvotes, yet everyone is using their tools they put their valuable time in.

Let's call it a form of sick narcissism. Rubbing it in people's faces. The big shot with the big dollars.

Let me tell you for a fact, the vast majorities input for this community outnumbers you by factor 1000.

Your only contribution so far, is making yourself look like a narcissist clown. Contribution that is. I'm not talking about the value you produce with your 'thousands' of followers. But here's what worries me about that one.

Are you promoting STEEM soley as a 'thing' where you can made huge amounts in short times? Is that how you want to promote Steemit? Is that how you lure people over here? To be honest with you, I'm not looking forward to have a flood of 'thousands' of people only thinking they can make some quick bucks.

This will decrease the true value of Steemit, getting rewarded for unique or contributing work.

But we need people like you afterall

Agreed. We need people with many followers to promote Steem for what it is.
NOT to have catchy titles, NOT to make them believe it's just as easy as you make it sound.

Stop promoting Steemit as the place to be for a quick cash grab and start promoting what it's really all about!

Now that would make your value also a contribution, an asset to this ecosystem.

Show you care about this community, support it with your 'wealth' instead of bragging about it. Support people who invest their time and resources to make this a better place and never really got a $ for it.

Create some super campaign with your 30k that you earned here the last 5 days. Do something.

But stop posting on how you made so much money, because it's a slap in the face for many users - and it promotes Steemit wrongfully.

This post is not written out of jealousy or envy. I'm doing very well on Steemit, and would like to explicitly mention that @dollarvigilante may even earn 1million as far as i'm concerned - he's doing a great job. I'm only expressing what i've picked up lately on several media and chatrooms.

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