This will be way shorter than my usual posts. It is more a way to pass comment on something I witnessed first hand tonight (Sunday UK time)

Two members of our community have been having the worst imaginable time of late and @davemccoy reached out on behalf of this lovely couple. Within minutes I heard about it in 2 Discord groups and decided to become involved in whatever small way I could. Over the next hour I saw Discord blow up with our fantastic community members rallying to get the word out. I saw the post from Dave hit almost $140 within a few hours all in aid of 2 of our friends who needed somewhere to lean for a little respite.

I glimpsed for a few brief moments just what we are capable of here, when we come together, when we care and when we show it. Many may view us as just a virtual community but I challenge them! Every PC, laptop, tablet or phone has a real person sitting in front of it, an honest to goodness flesh and blood person with a beating heart, emotions and empathy.

There is nothing virtual about us friends, nothing. World governments take note. We the people are able to gather, rally and carry eachother through the fire when we must. You are the people in power who should set the precedent of how people can and should behave and here we are teaching you something big, something valuable. I love that we can be moved to tears with compassion for those we have not yet met.

At the risk of sounding pompous and more than a little condescending I feel very proud as I finish up and head off to bed, proud of what has been achieved here. We will not make global news or even local news, no statues will be erected nor plaques unveiled and nor should they be but I have even more faith than I had in the human spirit, thankyou to those who helped warm my heart albeit through circumstances that I wish were not transpiring.

Some of the more cynical and embittered among our ranks may find this post to be trite, juvenile and exhibit an overtly naive, utopian view of the world of the blockchain, of our community. To them I say fine, I even understand why you think that way but I think that often-times you see what you expect to see when you cast your eye about your fellow man.

Make a decision of how you want our first foray into the decentralised world to be viewed with hindsight by future generations and make it happen!

Best wishes to everbody who stopped by, may your journey be fortuitous, fulfilling and fun :)

Image courtesy of Pixabay.

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