"The Adventure Pokemon hunter"/"Ghost Slapped"/"Steemit Untalented"! Banking Ideas/Legacies On The Steem Blockchain Is A Beauty! (Video Inside!)

 Animals are upgrading!

A squirrel swim with its back "To keep its nuts dry".

Who is your target audience when you do steemit posts? How about your audience be YOU for once or twice? How about your next post on steemit be drafted out for YOU, to provide you with moments to marvel!

That very simple steemit post that you sought to make daily, do you see it as your voice; your intellectual property? How valuableLY do you regard it? What are we actually doing here on steemit, when wakeUP each morning to begin "mining with our minds" inorder to establish killer content?

The birth of "The Adventure Pokemon hunter", "Ghost Slapped" and "Steemit Untalented"

The birth of "The Adventure Pokemon hunter", "Ghost Slapped" and "Steemit Untalented" began months ago but today i put it on the steem blockchain. 

When it comes to ideas, it is impossible that somebody full owns them. Well, it is possible but you can always shape them up into your own masterpiece. Well maybe not because there are laws in place but even the entirety of laws on Earth, can't guard every scenario.
What I'm I saying? It is true that I always like my ideas or innovation ideas to have never been in existence before i conceive of them but this is just me. 

It is fun to type non-stop in the search engines and never find a record of your innovation idea. Then you hire someone to ransack even the deep web using Tor, to find out if there is an exact match (with your idea) on there and they still return empty handed.
Overall, i choose this path because it flexes my creativity! It removes horizons and gives me freedom; worse case scenario; i will give birth to an average idea!

Hahaha, i also choose it because it is harder!

This applies even with steemit posts! Involved in the process of creating my steemit post is a simple search on steemit, to find out if the idea behind my post already exist here, so that if it exists, i can either move on to another subject or evolve what's in existence, into a new creation.

If Bill Gate made Microsoft, i make Macro-hard!

American idol has always existed; a singing contest! Then "The Voice" came into the scene with a simple twist: "the blind auditions" and this changed the whole intricacies and made it a very different "singing contest"!
You would call Simon Cowell and co geniuses but according to me, it is more genius, if I created a singing contest called "if you think you can't sing". No need to go into details; it will more money than American Idol and The Voice combined and so will "Steemit Untalented", when I eventually create it. 

Imagine winning Steemit Whale Status for being the worst Graphic Designer on the planet and "oh, just who wouldn't participate"!
Even the world renownest Graphic Designer will scribble his designs to participate!

Mama Earth is Confused.

The world is one complicated place. Perhaps, it is more accurate to say "Mama Earth" is complicated and soon I intend to explain this with "Ghost Slapped", a movie teacher that will impact the world. Now, not like i believe in ghosts but:

How many slaps will you give out, if you had chance to stay invisible for one whole day and your loving slap can repair the confused state of the world?

Man Mustn't Live By Bread Alone

Many of the havoc caused in the world today, is caused by food and the impulse to eat! 

Hahaha, i will prove this in a separate post some time in the near future!

Water Is Not Colorless And Is Not Tasteless!

Hahaha, the words to explain the most beautiful concepts and creations have not come to live!

I will explain this one in a very separate post in the near future!

"The adventure of Pokemon hunter"

Well, i didn't really fancy the game! I don't mind seeing multitudes play it though. I did draw fun from it no doubt as months ago, i predicted that, "The adventure of pokemon hunter" will happen, because if nobody ever does it, i will do it. Well, i left my prediction out there when i did these old videos:

One special use for the steem blockchain and steemit in this case, is to play your creations before you eyes and be made to marvel by them. If your are in the journey of content creation, one of the most fulfilling moments is looking at the work of your hands and be made to marvel at them.

Too, steem blockchain is created to exist forever and to be un-eraseable, even by unforeseen occurrences and governments; so if there are legacies, truths, inventions, revelations etc that you want to vault forever, so that Mama Earth knows it existed, consider saving excerpts of it on steemit. 

I have saved many of my ideas, excerpts of ideas, dream-bits etc on steem blockchain, within many of my steemit post; the thing is, you may not know this!

This part of steemit is fun!

Look at some ideas that i saved on the steemit blockchain in the past using a simple steemit post:


How I Eventually Secured A Patent For "2 Of My Sport-Related Inventions", Using Steem Technology?

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