The Updated Steemit Etiquette Guide - New Additions and Your Help Needed


You can check out my original Steemit Etiquette Guide here which had some great artwork done by @klye.  I am currently looking at producing a new one.  

I have come up with a number of new points myself (and some previous suggestions) but it would be useful to ask for all of you to let me know what else you would like added.  

The aim is to get new artwork done for the additional points but obviously that will take time and I would rather wait until I have the new points finalised before commissioning more as it will take @klye time to make it so I can't easily add extra points on.

Summarised List of Original Points

For those that missed my orginal post (which is probably most people) here is a list of the Original Points - if you want the elaboration and artwork please check out the original post link above.

1) Don't vote and run.

2) Don't over-post.

3) Don't post unrelated links in comments.

4) Don't directly ask for votes.

5) Don't expect reciprocal votes.

6) Don't use the wallet to get attention.

7) Don't flag content just because you disagree or don't like it.

8) Don't ever use @all in the chat.

9) Don't post nudity or graphic imagery unless you tag it with NSFW.

10) Don't engage in tag spamming.

11) Do help others out.

12) Do share great posts.

13) Do check out new posts.

14) Do always comment when you flag a post and go back and check it.

The New Points 

(Order not finalised since I am looking for community additions)

As previously noted these points are meant as a guide rather than strict rules.

15) Don't be a stalker

Thanks to @stellabelle for suggesting this.  There was a particular user who was deliberately going after female members of the community in a distinctly unsavoury way.  People may think this is acceptable online but I personally think it is disgusting and reprehensible behaviour.  Luckily the reputation system can help by silencing these people but we also need to make it clear that we won't accept it as a community.  Further any activity bordering on criminality is particularly stupid since it is recorded in the blockchain.

16) Don't be a drama queen

We all have bad days and we have all been complete arseholes from time to time but the best thing to do is deal with it in an adult way.  There have been a number of people who have instead proceeded to have a complete meltdown and create all kinds of unnecessary drama.  This never looks good and you will only embarass yourself in the long run - particularly since it is stored in the blockchain to remind you forever.

17) Don't go on witch-hunts

Not new but seems to be happening more lately.  People are ganging up on each other in a way which I don't think is really helpful.  I think it is fine to point out problems or inequalities when you see them but unless someone is specifically doing something malicious I think this can only serve to make Steemit less friendly and inviting to people.  It is particularly striking when multiple people seem to go on the offensive against a single person:

18) Don't make it personal/Don't make argumentative posts

Maybe it is because I'm English but I don't think it is polite to do an entire post focussing on a single person without first discussing it with them and trying to resolve the situation person to person.  If you want to call out certain kinds of behaviours it might be more productive to do so in a more general manner so people don't feel that they are being singled out.  If you go after a particular person all that will ensue is an argument that will continue to escalate and make everyone look bad.  Anyway maybe you all think differently. Let me know.

19) Do admit when you are wrong /Do apologise 

I had an old teacher at school who used to say that it takes both honesty and bravery to admit you are wrong.  We tend to like to pretend we are always right even when we are not.  People are generally forgiving and if you have been an idiot just own up to it and apologise.  People will respect you more for it.

20) Do take a step back

In keeping with the previous few points sometimes it helps to take as step away from your computer and do something different to help you regain perspective.  If you are getting into a lot of arguments and conflict give yourself some time away and reflect on things.

21) Don't critique people's work unless they have asked you to

I normally ask for people's opinions on my work and I am fine with criticism (although even I have feelings) but just because someone has posted their work up does not mean that you should start critiquing it if you don't like it.  Not all people are thick skinned about things and I have seen a few cases of people demolishing another person's work in a distinctly unpleasant way.  Also if someone has asked for a critique keep it polite and constructive.  If you are not able to do that move on.

22) Keep the adolescent remarks to yourself

I have noticed a few users making the kind of remarks on images of women that are quite immature and frankly I would expect from a 13 year old boy.  I know these aren't necessarily done with any malice but we as a community need to be a friendly and inviting place for women and I don't think it is particularly helpful.  You as a man may find it funny but I'm not sure a woman would - imagine if it was your mother reading your comments.

23) Don't be a fake, plagiarise or pass of others work as your own

This should really have been in my previous post.  It relates to people trying to make money by impersonating others or making false claims.  There is a whole community of people watching you here and you will eventually be found out.  Just don't do it.

24) Don't re-steem everything you see

The re-steem feature is great.  It's new and shiny and a different way to share but please be conscious of your followers.  Unless they are only following you, you have to assume that their feed has other re-steemed material in it.  Further just because YOU like a subject DOESN'T mean that they do.  Just be polite and only re-steem limited numbers of posts that you are sure others will like.

25) Don't bribe people for votes, re-steems, follows or anything else

This is  fairly easy to understand.  It is likely to get you flagged as well as potentially annoying others.  Plus once people have followed you there is no guarantee they will keep doing it.  So you will just be wasting your money AND ruining your reputation.

26) Don't direct message people you don't know in the chat

I will probably combine this with the wallet point in the original list.  I have seen lots of people doing this particularly to whales and people with higher SP.  It is understandable but it is also an intrusion on people's privacy and hardly polite.  Don't do it unless someone has explicitly said they are OK with it.

27) Over to you - what else do you think should be added?

Please let me know in the comments.  Thank you for reading:)

Reward for Reading: The Obligatory Kitten Photo

If you like my work and aren't already, please follow me and check out my blog (I mainly discuss photography but I do other topics like this too) -  @thecryptofiend 

I have also created a new channel in the chat dedicated to photography of people/portraits called "Photography-portraits-people".  Please check it out and post your photos there.

Photo Credits: All photos are taken from personal account.  Further information can be provided on request.

(Verification for me here:

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