My entry to the "Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 3"

This is my first participation in this contest created by @thedarkhorse. The idea is to nominate 3 people whose content we like, under 50 reputation... and write a post about one of their latest posts. So, here we go. (To avoid hurt feelings, users will be ordered by their reputation level.)

#1 - @cebuvibes (47)

May Ann Garcia is from the Island of Cebu, Philippines and posts a lot of photos from her home country. Some of their photos are really beautiful. Like this one, for instance: Cleaning Carrots to Earn a Little Money


#2 - @natashamoscow (46)

Natasha is a Muscovite girl who has just joined SteemIt and started in a great way, posting a series of articles about her life in Moscow. She writes about a bit of everything, from cooking to the city itself.

Here's an example from her blog: Secret Places in Moscow #Part 4 (ZARYADYE)


#3 - @lesploratore (44)

Since this user has not yet made a proper introduction, all I know he's based in Italy... and posts some really great quality photos, such as this stunning shot of Ponte Vecchio, Florence


Well, that's it. These were my choices for this week. Give these authors some support, if you like their work.

And if you want to join the contest, here' more info about the "Pay It Forward" contest.

Sorry, @banjo & @cleverbot, but you bots just aren't creative enough to get on this list. :-P

@Trincowski... out.

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