Why is GENUINE COMMENTING on steemit so IMPORTANT?? (and @abh12345's Curation League)


How many of us started on steemit with grandiose plans of writing superb blogs and then sitting back, waiting, and watching the money roll in?


I know I did, and since then, I've met many 'newbies' who expect the same thing and then become discouraged and disappointed when it doesn't happen. So, here's a little story I tell them...


Imagine moving to a new town where you don't know a soul. You're so excited to be there, so you decide to throw a party. You meticulously plan everything, you buy and prepare food and drinks for everyone, and you even decorate. It takes a lot of time and effort, but that's ok, because when the night of the party arrives, everything is perfect. Your house looks great, the food and drinks look awesome, and you even look like a million bucks. It's all ready. So you open your front door and you wait, and wait, and wait...

...and not a single soul shows up. Absolutely no one.

What did you do wrong? Everything was perfect? You'd prepared and had everything looking great? Except you missed one small detail... You didn't take the time to get to know anyone before you planned your magnificent party.


I realised early on, in my steemit journey, that I needed to 'get out there' and meet people, genuinely comment on their work, develop real relationships, and work my way into becoming a member of this community. ONLY then, would people be interested in coming to my party.

That takes me to @abh12345's "Curation Leagues"; if you haven't heard of it, please have a look at the details. You'll be glad you did!!

If you're interested in developing your curation skills, whether you want to earn more money from your comments, or you simply want to meet more people and develop more relationships, Asher's Curation League is for you. He tracks everything, tally's up how much you've commented, what your earnings look like and stats to see how you compare to others in the league. The only thing that you have to do, is drop your name in the comment section of his post and let him know you're interested. He does all the rest...well except your commenting; that's your job;)

The league has been growing over the past few weeks and the competition and encouragement really is contagious. I know that it has pushed me to comment more and in the process I've met new people and developed new relationships. Remember the key is genuine commenting though; if everyone interacts authentically, purposefully and selflessly, just imagine what this steemit community of ours could look like.

Together we can all make it happen!


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