Every body today will agree that computers and electronics have forever changed our way of life. There are electronic systems and integrated chips in everything from the small appliances that toast our bread to the planes we fly in, and make possible various forms of new entertainment, from VCRs and DVDs to video games and talking robots.
We have seen the developments in electronics from simple semiconductor transistors to today's super computers and quantum computers. We understand it's usefulness in every sector of human life today.
How ever at the early days of electronics, scientists in ordinary people's view, were more like wizards or magicians and their experiments were pure magic or something paranormal. But incredible as it seems until today most of us see every some electronic phenomena based on some definite logics and theories.
Although one may sometime feel that electronics is not an exact science, it is sure science and it has its functioning based on physics and chemistry. The hobbyists, technicians and electronic engineers do not have paranormal or psychic powers, they do nothing but pure science and just that.

In the past the scientists thought that electricity and electronics could be an important link between our world and the world of the dead, even Nikola Tesla believed that radio could be a means of communication with spirits. Already other scientists thought that electricity could give life to the dead, they believed that the spasms with shocks were attempts of the bodies in return to the life.
Theosophist Alice Bailey in 1936, wrote these words of her great teacher, the Tibetan Master DK:
"Within the next few years the fact of the eternity of existence will have advanced from the realm of questioning into the realm of certainty. Through the use of the radio by those who have passed over, will communication be set up and reduced to a true science."
Over years now it has been proven that none of this is true or could happen. But a lot of people believed that electronics came to help the paranormal and in it's ultimate nothing is scientifically proven. We shall see here with some illustrations, how paranormal phenomena most of the time can be scientifically proven and are natural phenomena or caused by man himself.
Psychoenergic Detectors - Paranormal Energy Detectors
The field of electronics contribute with detectors of various phenomena such as the psychoenergy detector, ion detectors, magnetic field oscillator detector, electric charge detectors, ion detector etc.
An electronic device called Ghost Detector (Ghost Meter) which contain a circuit that is able to detect oscillations in the magnetic field, defying the the thinking that paranormals are caused by ghosts, but it is just the concentration of ions in the air.

Shown above is a commercial ghost detector, which is easily available in the market, is nothing more than an EMF Meter (an electromagnetic field meter), a meter that is capable of measuring electromagnetic fields.
Instrumental Trans-communication
Electronic equipment not only detects paranormal phenomena, the electronics are capable of recording voices of spirits, of the past and even registering images of auras, spirits, dead, etc. The first scientist to study and discover the phenomenon called instrumental transcommunication was Friedrich Jungerson. He happens to have recorded voices that were speaking in an extinct language. With that he unchained a true legion whose purpose was to record the silence, or the white noise to find in him voices or even achieve communication with the beyond.

source: Nikola Tesla
Even scientist Nicola Tesla was apparently eager to tell those interested in his life and science, not to dismiss ideas that appear supernatural or not of science.
"Physics, extends beyond what is scientifically known today," Tesla communicated. "The future will show that what we now call occult or the supernatural is based on a science not yet developed, but whose first infant steps are being taken as we speak!"
EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon)
In addition to using the microphone recorder to pick up ambient sounds, you can also use other methods to pick up voices from the beyond, such as a radio or television when out of tune.
- Diode of Raudive
The Latvian Konstantin Raudive was an EVP scholar, he said, his experiments were very successful, also communicating with his late mother who left on the magnetic tape an affectionate message of name "Kosti", that was how she usually called him.
Raudive wrote several books on the subject, few of them being : "The Inaudible Becomes Audible" and "We Survived Death."
- Dowsing
Radiesthesia is term known as a sensitivity to certain energies of nature. Who has never seen someone with a wooden fork trying to find places to drill water wells or those who with a pendulum and a map can determine where someone is. Before any further comment let us know what is the ideomotor effect.
- Ideomotor effect
The ideomotor effect is like a placebo effect, except that it refers to the influence of suggestion on involuntary and unconscious body movements. The first to report the phenomenon was William Benjamin Carpenter in 1852, he wrote an article on dowsing.
In 1808, the chemist Gerboin wrote a book on the use of a pendulum to perform chemical analysis. The method consisted in keeping a small metal ring, secured by a thin cord on a plaque inscribed with the letters of the alphabet.
The ring was supposed to move toward the letters of the substance to be examined, just as today lot of us may have seen a ouija board game answers the questions.
But Michel Chevreu was quite surprised at the test results with the new method, but remained skeptical. Initially, he used the pendulum on a mercury plate and noted that the pendulum continued to function.
In a second step, he realized that when the mercury was covered by a glass plate, the metal ring slowed its movement until it stopped. Finally, he repeated the first experience blindfolded, asking an assistant to put and remove the glass plate without his knowledge.
The result was that the ring did not move, whether or not there was a glass plate. As a conclusion to the experiment, Michel wrote:
"While I believed that movement was possible, it happened; but after discovering its causes I could no longer reproduce it. "
According to him, his experiments show how easy it is to "see illusions as truths whenever we are confronted with phenomena in which the human senses are involved in poorly analyzed situations."

With dowsing some people say that it is possible to detect people, ores, noble metals and petroleum, using only their hands and an "antenna" or pendulum that makes small vibrations or movement when the searched object is detected.
Not all is popular belief, second scholars of dowsing, with a foundation in physics, say that this effect is caused by the small change in gravity that is generated by the presence of an object of greater or lesser density than its medium, which is nothing but the soil.
A mechanical or electronic device would avoid the ideomotor effect and this would end the whole discussion on the subject. In electronics it is possible to make an electronic dowsing device or even an electronic pendulum to detect these gravitational changes. One such instrument is the gravimeter, it measures the acceleration of gravity.

Principle of gravimeter--source: Section 2: Gravity Surveying
With the gravimeter it is possible to discover large deposits of minerals and water either by land manually or motorized and by air, through an airplane with gravimetric sensors coupled.
Conclusion :
It certainly sounds strange and fantastic to be sure that we have made contact with spirit-beings, i.e. the dead, through tape recordings. Over the years of technological developments today, however more or less adequate technical devices are at our disposal. Hence it is possible to test the facts by experiment and to lift them out of the realm of the fantastic.
Thanks for reading,
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