Who's The Kitchen Fairy? It's Me, It's Me, It's Me || Cerita Di Balik Sebuah Nama

Hello, hello, hello,

It's good to see people I follow are still active on Steemit despite the low value of Steem and SBD. I actually don't really see why people would want to leave tho?

Seriously guys, why would you leave Steemit just because you don't earn as much as it was a couple of months ago, and you'd rather go back to Facebook, Instagram, etc., when you don't earn nothing but thumbs up there? That just doesn't make any sense πŸ˜‚


Have you heard of #steemitnamechallenge? Go check it out, it's where we share the story behind our usernames. It's an awesome challenge as I got to learn more of my favorite people, such as

@felobtc (the initiator of this challenge) is Felipe
@saffisara is Sara Sofi
@topkpop is Jenny (Jennifer, Jen)
@snook is Kat (and also) Ryn
@enginewitty is Justin
@ilhuna is Maria
@tattoodjay really is the tattoos collector (from around the world)😁

As for my username, @thekitchenfairy, I actually already mentioned briefly about it on my introduction post awhile back. But since I got tagged on this challenge by a fun friend of mine, @crisangel who truly is an Angel πŸ˜‰, I guess I'm going to share more of the story behind my username 😊

If you'd like to participate (everyone can btw, no need to wait to be tagged), here is the rule:

  • Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

The Kitchen Fairy

I've always liked faeries since little girl, the cute and pretty ones of course, not the scary looking nor the evil ones πŸ˜‚ Basically pretty mystical creatures with wings I like, thanks to cartoon movies, story books and whatnot. You know, girly stuffs πŸ˜‚

Unfortunately I don't draw nor paint, and really not creative at all, so I could only admire faeries from prints, pictures, movies, toys, etc.

One day though, I was introduced to PSP and animation program, and voila, I made tons of faeries, which later I uploaded them to Flickr, DeviantArt, blogspot, imageshack (it was still imageshack.us back then), and my own websites.



I formed the faeries into name tags, greeting pictures, gifs, animations and whatnot. I just love faeries too much πŸ˜‚

Sadly, all those years I used imageshack.us as my main host , and when it was transformed to imageshack.com, I lost many of my animations and gifs and even basic tube of the faeries I created. What I have left are the ones above I uploaded 😭

Boo-hoo hey πŸ˜…

So yeah, making faeries was one of my fascinations. Moving on to my other hobby, as you can guess it, cooking and baking.

Growing up in food industry family turns me into a foodie and recipes collector. I have the whole basement library for my cook book collections. I love getting cook book as a gift (hint hint πŸ˜‚).

I love cooking and baking so much that my husband created a website for me (early 2005), and on this food website, I added my faeries here and there πŸ˜‚


One day my husband emailed me, thanking me for what I packed him in his lunch box, and he said "who's the fairy cook, my lunch box is magical", to which I replied back "the kitchen fairy, that's who. Psst, it's me, it's me, it's me".

From then on, I started using kitchen fairy for social media such as Friendster, multiply, and hi5. They all went poof once Facebook became a hit (2004?).

So that's the story 😊

My name is Nins.

If I could change my username? It would be whosthekitchenfairy. Many websites using The Kitchen Fairy in recent years, there was none but me in old days, I don't want people to mistaken me to those websites that aren't mine. So when I started living as vegan and venturing new way to cooking and baking, I made new recipe blog which I called "whosthekitchenfairy". I wanted to use that for my Steemit, but Steemit said it was too long. Boo-hoo πŸ˜…

I am tagging these wonderful people as I am curious about the story behind their accounts names and also, I'd like to know their real names πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Tag, you are it!


Eh ada mainan baru di Steemit, namanya #steemitnamechallenge, dimana kita berbagi cerita latar belakang nama akun kita. Teman2 sudah pada ikutan belum?

Kalau mau ikutan, ini peraturannya:

  • cerita kenapa milih nama akun kamu tersebut
  • sebutkan nama asli kamu
  • kalau seumpama boleh ganti nama, kalian mau ganti jadi apa
  • jangan lupa kasih tag #steemitnamechallenge
  • tag 5 teman lainnya untuk berbagi cerita ttg akun mereka πŸ˜‰

Kalau nama "thekitchenfairy" sih karena aku suka buat peri-peri cantik di program animasi komputer. Disamping itu, aku suka masak dan makan πŸ˜‚ Jadi deh Peri Dapur alias "Kitchen Fairy"


Nama asliku Nins (halo salam kenal πŸ˜‰)

Kalau seumpama aku boleh ganti nama Steemit-ku, maunya sih "whosthekitchenfairy". Waktu nyoba daftar Steemit pertama kali, ga boleh, soalnya kepanjangan πŸ˜‚

Oke deh, sampai jumpa lagi πŸ‘‹

Thanks For Looking!

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