If you follow these step-by-step instructions, you'll have your very own customized steem blockchain-based blog in under 5 minutes!
Step 1 - Register with GitHub
If you're already a github user, you can skip to step 2
First you need to register a free account at github.com/join .
The registration form will ask for a username, email address and password, before asking you what sort of plan you want.
- Select the "unlimited public repositories for free" option, and continue.
- The next screen is completely optional - I just clicked "skip this step" to continue
You will also need to verify your email address by clicking the link sent to you by email from github before continuing.
You should now be registered and logged into github
Step 2 - Fork the steemlink repository
Go to the steemlink github repository and click "fork" in the top right corner
After a few seconds, you should be looking at your freshly created repository like this:
Step 3 - Change the repository name
To enable automatic hosting from github pages, you just need to change the name of your repository to yourgithubusername.github.io
You can do this by clicking the settings tab in the top-right , and you can find your username in the top left of the page.
Make sure you click "rename" to confirm the change before continuing
Step 4 - Edit your site settings
To customize the site for your own username, you need to edit the file index.html
by first selecting its filename :
Then click the pencil icon to edit the index.html file :
The available options start on line 4
, you just need to edit the steemusername
setting to your own steem username
And then commit the edit at the bottom of the page :
That's it - your site is already up!
You can access your site at your chosen address - http://yourgithubusername.github.io
You can find the example site I did for this tutorial at - http://krystlehaines.github.io
If you want to use your own custom domain you can do so by editing the CNAME file to include your domain name.
You can find more information about custom domain setup here.
If you want support customising the site, or have any feature requests contact me via steemit.chat or email (ausbitbankATgmail).