Steemprentice Success Stories with a little Reporting! 9/18/2016

Steemprentice Success Stories

The Steemprentice Mentoring Initiative Group has been active for two weeks now and is still going strong. We are in need of some mentors who are on during the later hours in the US, so we can try and have coverage across the time zones better, if anyone is interested.

The #steemprentice channel in is just shy of it's 100th member. At the very least we are averaging almost 7 new members a day!
It's been fabulous to see group members get that first post that 'popped' and got a much improved payout from what they were used to. While money is the mechanism, being able to see their reactions to feeling recognized (regardless of the money) is invaluable in itself.

Some Success Stories to Share.

The sheer perseverance that @bmwrider is impressive. For the past three weeks he's posted a number of articles including a multi-part series on some of the more intense situations he's had while being a teacher in the inner city. He has made 17 posts with a TOTAL payout of $0.12. That's right, averaging less than a penny a post.

I was so glad to have run across one of his posts and invited him into the Steemprentice group to see if we could help. His writing was already very strong and our suggestions had no bearing on the content itself, just a little title tweaking and adding captions to the pictures. In just one day after joining his post got a $40+ payout! Regardless of the money, I could 'see' his joy through the ether of the interwebs.

We're all so happy for you @bmwrider! Keep up the awesome work!

This user joined the group shortly after launch a couple weeks ago. Prior to joining he's made about 25 posts with a TOTAL payout of a bit under $10. That's about $0.40 payout per post. Since joining he's made 13 posts with a TOTAL payout of $87.79! Just compare this average of $6.75 per post since joining Steemprentice to his previous $0.40. You've come a long way in a short amount of time @mlialen and we are thrilled with the success you are achieving!

Anarcho-andrei has been in the group a little while and had already had some success before joining, but was still open for suggestions to improve. Prior to joining he'd made 37 posts with a TOTAL payout of $439.26 averaging $11.87 per post. Since joining Steemprentice he's earned $214.17 in payouts averaging $26.77 across 8 posts! He's now averaging more than double per post!

There are many more success stories within the Steemprentice Mentoring group and we will continue to share some of these with you along the way. A number of our members have been picked by both the @robinhoodwhale and @curie groups thus far and I'm working on getting those numbers in place which will be in the next group report.

A Little Reporting

There is continual work being done on the Steemprentice FAQ and TIPS document and can be accessed by anybody by clicking this link.

Steemprentice FAQ and TIPS

Feel free to leave suggestions in there and I can incorporate them in to the document. Currently there are two sections I plan to fill out; How to Source Images and What Flagging Is and Isn't Meant For. Any help is appreciated as I've been short on time recently.

I've been keeping track of the total numbers in the #steemprentice channel, finder fees given, progress rewards given and unique users that have been confirmed to have received help from mentors in this Spreadsheet.

Steemprentice Spreadsheet

We are currently needing some mentors to monitor the channel in the later hours in the USA to better cover across time zones, if anybody is interested. There is no obligation on mentors to help or be in channel, just pop in when you feel like it.

We also are needing a few people to monitor new user categories and/or watch for 'frustrated with steemit' type posts and simply leave a comment directing them to the group if they would like help. Since we have had limited exposure, it's been difficult to let those who could use a little help that we are available for them.

Mentors, if you help someone out, please DM with who was helped and a few words on the topics discussed to help our reporting. I'm doing this by hand right now and that helps me out immensely. I do want to thank everybody in the group for the time and effort they have donated. If I've missed you in the spreadsheet, please DM me and I'll get it added in.

How We Deal with Plagiarism

Since this group doesn't promote or feature posts for users we rely heavily on the @steemcleaners group to inform us when there is an issue with a certain post. Most of these incidents have been new users not quite knowing what is and isn't a problem on Steemit and after a brief discussion can provide some understanding so they are able to move forward. With user retention being a big Steemprentice goal approaching these new users in a non-accusatory, positive way allowed them prevent the same issues and provide some great original content.

Just so it's stated...I prefer to give users the benefit of the doubt (whenever possible) and this means giving one (rarely more) time to use the 'I didn't know' answer. However, a pattern of plagiarism or abuse can NOT be tolerated. I am in frequent contact with the abuse channel and some @steemcleaners so I'm able to stay in the look regarding our group members. A pattern of problems with the same user results in their removal from the group and mentors withholding their help. We are not there to assist scammers and this only seems fair so we can focus on the members with benefit to the community as a whole

Keep Smiling and Steem On!

Original Image Mentor Source

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