Good news and badish news.
May is starting strong with some really terrific new finds. Luck certainly played a part with a really young kid on OfferUp was selling his fathers silver at spot. I got six (6) 1oz rounds and nineteen (19) 1 gram "Freedom Bars". I guess it's called a Freedom Bar because it has the American flag on it..?? Other countries are free right?? Anyways... I digress. But I chuckled when he told me that.

I really dig the Operation Desert Storm round. I was too young for the military in 1991, but watching the war coverage and news images come through cable TV are some of my most vivid memories of my youth. I used to collect the Desert Storm trading cards that Topps came out with. Around my block, the Gen. Schwarzkopf card (#157) was the hottest item to trade with.
When Pawn shopping... don't let your emotions get to you.

The baddish news is that I offered the pawn shop $5 above spot thinking that the silver & gold coins in the 1987 Constitution coins were 100% pure. They took the offer, but it turns out they're only 90% pure, so I'll have to refine both of them, which costs time and money. SO... I didn't get as good a deal on it as I thought.
I got a little cocky in the pawn shop and didn't read the fine print. I was so excited about the deal that my emotions got the best of me and I didn't pick up the 0.90 purity explanation on the certificate. Sometimes, you gotta take a breath and take emotion out of it. Even though silver/gold hunting, collecting & refining is a passion slash hobby, It's still a business decision.
For the junk silver, I added four (4) 1964's, one (1) 1968, a Bengie & a 1938 Washington quarter. My first 30's Quarter ever. Those will refine nice and evenly when I remove the 68 since they are all 90% silver. I'm thinking about designing a hand-poured, 5oz Benjamin Franklin half dollar design made entirely out of 90%. How cool would that be?

I really dig the Operation Desert Storm round. I was too young for the military in 1991, but watching the war coverage and news images come through cable TV are some of my most vivid memories of my youth. I used to collect the Desert Storm trading cards that Topps came out with. Around my block, the Gen. Schwarzkopf card (#157) was the hottest item to trade with.
When Pawn shopping... don't let your emotions get to you.

The baddish news is that I offered the pawn shop $5 above spot thinking that the silver & gold coins in the 1987 Constitution coins were 100% pure. They took the offer, but it turns out they're only 90% pure, so I'll have to refine both of them, which costs time and money. SO... I didn't get as good a deal on it as I thought.
I got a little cocky in the pawn shop and didn't read the fine print. I was so excited about the deal that my emotions got the best of me and I didn't pick up the 0.90 purity explanation on the certificate. Sometimes, you gotta take a breath and take emotion out of it. Even though silver/gold hunting, collecting & refining is a passion slash hobby, It's still a business decision.
For the junk silver, I added four (4) 1964's, one (1) 1968, a Bengie & a 1938 Washington quarter. My first 30's Quarter ever. Those will refine nice and evenly when I remove the 68 since they are all 90% silver. I'm thinking about designing a hand-poured, 5oz Benjamin Franklin half dollar design made entirely out of 90%. How cool would that be?

The baddish news is that I offered the pawn shop $5 above spot thinking that the silver & gold coins in the 1987 Constitution coins were 100% pure. They took the offer, but it turns out they're only 90% pure, so I'll have to refine both of them, which costs time and money. SO... I didn't get as good a deal on it as I thought.
I got a little cocky in the pawn shop and didn't read the fine print. I was so excited about the deal that my emotions got the best of me and I didn't pick up the 0.90 purity explanation on the certificate. Sometimes, you gotta take a breath and take emotion out of it. Even though silver/gold hunting, collecting & refining is a passion slash hobby, It's still a business decision.
For the junk silver, I added four (4) 1964's, one (1) 1968, a Bengie & a 1938 Washington quarter. My first 30's Quarter ever. Those will refine nice and evenly when I remove the 68 since they are all 90% silver. I'm thinking about designing a hand-poured, 5oz Benjamin Franklin half dollar design made entirely out of 90%. How cool would that be?
For the junk silver, I added four (4) 1964's, one (1) 1968, a Bengie & a 1938 Washington quarter. My first 30's Quarter ever. Those will refine nice and evenly when I remove the 68 since they are all 90% silver. I'm thinking about designing a hand-poured, 5oz Benjamin Franklin half dollar design made entirely out of 90%. How cool would that be?
🔸 Interested in coin roll hunting? You may enjoy my April findings.
🔸 Check out my March additions where I scored a 3oz Bitcoin hand-poured prototype from the legendary @pit-bullion.
🔸 Want to hire me to design your coin or logo? Schedule a quick call or Skype session.