A weekend of STORIES ADVENTURES & MUSIC || MEMENTO STYLE || part 2 of 3

image: front door Tresor

...Leaving Tresor - in daylight - it was time for decisions. Leave with our new friends to hang out at their place? Leave for Panoramabar (the other club co-located with Berghain)? Be sensible and go to our friends place for a round sleep? It took at least 20 minutes to decide. What a choices! Luxury ones :) So we ended up in our beds! Guess the best choice we could make at the time since we still had a night of music and dancing to go.

Alarm clock at five in the afternoon allowed us a couple of hours of sleep. We simply wanted to be in Berghain around six/seven-ish Sunday evening. But, as usual, it is damn difficult to get out of bed - still tired - and leave home within an hour. It must be nine-ish we finally made it to the club.


When we came close to the club - sitting comfortably in a taxi - we got a little shock: the biggest queue of people waiting to enter Berghain we ever saw! Fortune for us, also at this place we get kinda special treatment; No normal entrance, but guestlist entrance. Passing the huge queue, we got another surprise...


...a massive queue for guestlist as well! "Should we try to cut this one?", was the question we tried to answer: "No". How special one is, the doormen at Berghain have no mercy. The biggest of the biggest stars have been blocked from entrance. When one does something the doormen don't like, one can forget it. Our next question "Go Home"? For sure not! Time to check the queue for people we may know. Wham! We found some acquaintances, at 2/3 of the queue, at least something :)

It still took as more than two hours to get into the club, two hours of fighting the cold, two hours of looking forward to getting into heaven of music and entertainment.

We entered the Berghain floor when Function was playing. GOOSEBUMPS ALL OVER! This guy is absolute good! He is on my list of DJs I would wait more than two hours in queue for (owww, I did) and even would skip a night of sleep for (owww, I didn't)...

A weekend of STORIES ADVENTURES & MUSIC || MEMENTO STYLE || part 1 of 3

Artist: Function
Set: Berghain 07
Year: 2016
Country: United Stated of America

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