So I've finally get around to writing the 2nd edition to my series of recollections about a very misspent youth. After a great response to my first episode, in which I told the tale of how I discovered, moments before our comprehensive school disco started, that what I had just taken was LSD. Since then, I have been chomping at the bit to continue recounting these fucked-up moments of my early teenage years..
Ep 2 - It's midnight, we're in a grave-yard and we're off our noodles on Acid. What's the worst that could happen....?

LSD doesn't come without its more crazier tales.

I've only ever know one guy who went mental from taking LSD and crickey-o-riley, did he go full retard. Stark bollock naked and throwing shoes at his parents from behind the sofa, is how I remember the story going.
You always have to bare in mind that all drugs react differently, depending on many different factors. If you are going to try riding the yellow submarine, then just start small and make sure to wait before you take more!

(which you would think would make it a swifter journey. Weird how drugs work)
Ecstasy and LSD are both class A drugs and rightfully so. I've never touched crack, heroin, pcp, Ketamine or any of the other top-shelf varieties. I've always had my limits and I know that anything that demands you come for back more is never good. Other than a few nights on ecstasy and a handful of dances with 'Billy-whizz' I am strictly natural. If it doesn't grow from the ground, I don't want it. Ecstasy and Speed have there place but for me they are too powerful and act too much on your physical state. I have no tolerance for man-made chemicals and every time has been a case of all or nothing. This is purely for the wall-bouncers. LSD on the other hand, works its magic on the mind. It does have a slight hang-over, but nothing like the hell that speed puts you through the next day.

(Imagine eating razor blades and your somewhere close)
As I was saying... LSD plays with your mind and other than a wonderful tingly sensation, the physical effects are a nothing to be afraid of. Your heart doesn't beat like a soldiers drum and your breathing won't resemble that of a virgin, ordering his first beer at Hooters. Its all about the visual and the mental/spiritual state, when it comes to taking LSD.
I wouldn't take it now, because I feel I have too many demons for the LSD to summon. At 14, you don't have a care in the world, so LSD is perfect(Maybe save it until 17, when your brain has finished developing).
As I was saying earlier, I have no tolerance for E's & Whizz, but the same can not be said for LSD and this is the reason I suggested we go to the cemetery...
The most I have ever taken in one sitting is 2 'trips'. Go ahead and snigger, but I have no intention of joining the coach-potato wars and signing up to the shoe-throwers convention. 2 trips is quite enough for me and if that amount of LSD is not going to make me see a big walking carrot, then I'll just have to stick with sanity FM.

"£2.50, mine or yours?"
"£2.50, yours"

When Buzz and I weren't hosting the local shelter for bucket-heads, we would try to find the time to have a Acid night. We had many of these through the years and I have a million different tales to tell. All in good time though. And talking of time, I have kept you all waiting long enough... I suppose it's time for you to hear about what happened, when we decided to try and challenge our grasp on reality and attempted to force ourselves into having hallucinations. All we thought it would take was a trip to the cemetery, in the middle of the night, while being completely off the PH chart!
And put it this way. After we did this, I can honestly say it's something I'll never try again...
It all began in the usual fashion of one of us having a free-house, void of parents. If it wasn't a party, it was LSD and on this occasion it was the latter. After procuring the Acid from the local arcade, we headed back up to Buzz's house. After a little while the Acid was doing it's thing and our conversations grew less and less coherent. That's not to say that we couldn't understand one another. No, we were tuned into the same beat and I wish we would have written down just half of the stuff we spoke about. I still remember one time thinking that I had come to some earth-shattering about life that would only be able to be understood while on Acid. I can't remember for the life of me what it was, but I still think I was on to something. Its just a feeling I still get today when I try to remember what it was. I've tried to recall this epiphany, but it is just like when you can't remember somebodies face. You know who it is and you can remember lots of useless details, just not that final piece to the jigsaw.

You never really knew what to expect on one of these nights. Maybe we will all become rocks, or maybe we will chuck some Ren & Stimpy on, to see if the trippy animations can stir-up my imagination. As you can probably tell, when we got high, we liked to feel the full extent and LSD held the promised land. I imagined it to be like having a lucid dream, if only I could learn to open my mind to this funky-psychedelia.
After an hour and a few episodes of Ren & stimpy had been played, back to back. I decided enough was enough and tonight was the night that I would find my very own carrot-man. But what was going to be able to peel my fingers from the balcony of normality? "Lets go to the cemetery"!
"Fuck yeah!" (Buzz was always up for it, which is one of the reasons we got on so well)
That was that then. No turning back now...
"Oh fuck, there it is... I hope this doesn't fuck us up for good, Buzz?" "Buzz...?"

He was half way across the road, the silly bastard... "Come on! This is fucking freaky already"

At this point we had probably managed to trek about 2 feet into the depths of the cemetery, but to us it felt like we had fallen into a scene from the Blair Witch movie. It was all around us and we started to feel like we were not alone...
"Psst! Hey Beige... come over here and look at this!"
"What is it?"
"I'm not sure but I'm sure I just saw something behind that grave"

Big tough lads and now we were virtually holding hands, like girl-guides watching a scary movie. Staring towards an ever-darkening gravestone. At this point we were both at the height of fearful anticipation and our eyes must have been like space-hoppers. As we both got right next to the head-stone, about to stare death in the face, together as one.
Hippy-musketeers! Or so that's what I assumed.
It was at this, indescribably, tense moment, that SOMEONE(and I swear to this day it was Buzz) stepped onto a decent sized branch that had fallen from the overhanging tree and settled, serendipitous-like, right in our path.

Like a fucking ten-ton mega blast going off inside a cast-iron box that you have put over your head. That is what it sounded like to me...
From the dark blur that was pegging it, like Speedy Gon-fucking-zalles, over the sand-stone wall. It was safe to assume, that it wasn't just me who had released himself.
They say that you are supposed to go white with fear. Well explain to me why I turned into Chris Akabusi? Because he ain't white, but boy can he jump! I hurdled that little wall as if it was the gates of Troy and then joined an equally traumatised Buzz, on the other side of the wall. In our state of blind panic, we then began to recreate the 80's video game, Frogger.
Eyes bulging and running in no, obviously, distinguishable direction. We must have scared the shit out of the poor old geezer, who was cruising by in his comfy Saab. There he was, tootling along, probably thinking about what he was going to eat tonight.
And then out of the pitch black, comes the first of the Acid-Hawks!
A mix between Bat-fink and Hi-Karate, mixed with Cheech and Chong. What went through that poor blokes mind when the two of us nearly went under his front and back wheel, respectively in-turn with our staggered retreat, God only knows. I think there were 3 people that night, who needed a change of underwear. By the time he had focused on the two gibbons hanging from the trim of his car and realised he hadn't taken a detour through the local safari-park. The driver shot us a look of absolute bemusement. He had no idea how to react. He couldn't have felt threatened by our surprise attack, because by the time we hit the side of his car, we had both regained our Acid faces. I can only think that it must have looked like a pair of smiling Somali pirates, bouncing of the side of his vessel.
I wonder if he still remembers that moment... I would sure like to hear what he said when he got home...
Well that's it for the 2nd edition. Come back for more and same as last time I will leave it up to you to choose the next chapter of The Science Class of 1996.
Option 1 - Mushrooms in Amsterdam
Option 2 - School trip - The Lincolnshire show and the silent Hippies.

Image sources
old man in car
Painted man
acid tongue
All other images sourced from pixabay.
Like a fucking ten-ton mega blast going off inside a cast-iron box that you have put over your head. That is what it sounded like to me...
From the dark blur that was pegging it, like Speedy Gon-fucking-zalles, over the sand-stone wall. It was safe to assume, that it wasn't just me who had released himself.
They say that you are supposed to go white with fear. Well explain to me why I turned into Chris Akabusi? Because he ain't white, but boy can he jump! I hurdled that little wall as if it was the gates of Troy and then joined an equally traumatised Buzz, on the other side of the wall. In our state of blind panic, we then began to recreate the 80's video game, Frogger.

A mix between Bat-fink and Hi-Karate, mixed with Cheech and Chong. What went through that poor blokes mind when the two of us nearly went under his front and back wheel, respectively in-turn with our staggered retreat, God only knows. I think there were 3 people that night, who needed a change of underwear. By the time he had focused on the two gibbons hanging from the trim of his car and realised he hadn't taken a detour through the local safari-park. The driver shot us a look of absolute bemusement. He had no idea how to react. He couldn't have felt threatened by our surprise attack, because by the time we hit the side of his car, we had both regained our Acid faces. I can only think that it must have looked like a pair of smiling Somali pirates, bouncing of the side of his vessel.
I wonder if he still remembers that moment... I would sure like to hear what he said when he got home...
Well that's it for the 2nd edition. Come back for more and same as last time I will leave it up to you to choose the next chapter of The Science Class of 1996.
Option 1 - Mushrooms in Amsterdam
Option 2 - School trip - The Lincolnshire show and the silent Hippies.
Image sources
old man in car
Painted man
acid tongue
All other images sourced from pixabay.