Dreamland- Story 1 "woman in chains" part 3

Tina threw her bike against the wall, ran up the stairs to her neighbours's house and started pounding the door like crazy. Carrie quickly ran to the door and opened it. She saw Tina standing in front of her, all sweaty and looking worried.

What's going on honey? What happened? Carrie asked.

I did it gain, I got him mad. Why am I being so stupid, I knew it was going to piss him off, damn.

Come in, love, tell me what happened, I'll make us some tea. Carrie tried to calm her.

Ain't got time for that, Leslie is on his way home, I pissed him off, can you please watch Darren for me? There will be a Fight, he wants me naked he said, and he said something about Darren, that's why he can't be here, he wants to hurt the kid. Samantha replied.

I'm calling the police, this lasted long enough, Carrie said with an angry voice, and if they don't wanna come over, I'm going to call your brother, he'll know how to take care of Leslie.

The police only comes after it happened and it will only make him more mad, and please leave my brother out of it. If he knew about this, he would kill Leslie, and I don't want him to go to jail over me. Promise me you won't call Guss, promise me!

Okay, okay, carrie answered, but we are going to do something about this, he will beat you to death one day. Think about Darren, for God's sake. Darren needs his mommy.

Stop it, will you, it's fucked up enough as it is. As soon as he's finished, I'll come and take the kid, okay?

Be careful love, oh man, I hate that son of a bitch, Carrie ended.

Tina went home and she decided to keep her clothes on. It may protect just a little, he's is going to hurt me anyway, she figured.
It didn't take long for Leslie to arrive. She heard him bashing up the stairs and with a bang the door opened.
Why aren't you naked, bitch? He shouted, and he started towards her with his fists clenched.
Tina threw her arms around her head, for Leslie loved to pound her on the head. Her legs didn't bother her too much, she got used to the feeling that walking hurts, but her head was something else. She sometimes couldn't see straight for a few days after Leslie took a couple of hits on her.
First Leslie kicked her and she fell to the floor. Now he started kicking her all over and she felt him kicking her in the back. She heard a cracking sound and figured that she wouldn't be able to walk stright for a while. Then he grabbed her hair and with his fist he started pounding her head. After a couple of punches the taste of blood filled her mouth and she felt her eyes swelling.
He started breathing heavy, and that was a good sign, Tina knew. He's getting tired. The punches, allthough they did hurt, were less hard, than when he started.
Leslie stopped, turned around and walked out of the house. The pig is going to get drunk, she knew, she lived this nightmare many times before.
She kept laying on the floor for a while, waiting for the worst pain to ease.
Then she heared Carrie's voice. Are you okay Tina, can you speak?

z2F-l-Duald flipflop.jpg
Photo taken from Flickr made by DualD FlipFlop
License; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Tina now sat on the floor. Hair face was a mess. Little Darren saw his mother and started to cry. Carrie kissed him.

Mommy is okay, Darren, don't cry, It's all going to be just fine.

And while that was said she grabbed the Phone, pressed the button that said "brother" and waited for Guss to pick up the Phone. It was Sandra, his wife. Carrie quickly told what had happened and hung up the Phone.

Your brother is coming to pick you up. I'll pick up some of your belongings to take with you.

Tina only could nodd, she was too messed up to even try to protest.

After an hour Guss arrived. He stood in the hall with Carrie who informed him as far as she could. Then he came in, grabbed his sister and hugged her

Why the fuck didn't you tell me? I would have ended it before it started. Remember I warned you that I thought he drank too much? Damn, Sis, you should have told me. You are coming with me, we go to my place. Sandra is making the guestroom ready. You can stay as long as needed, and Sandra also called the doctor. He will come to our house later today to see what the damage is. First we get out of here with the kid, this isn't the place a kid should grow up in.

He helped her down the stairs, gently put her in the car, buckeled her up and closed the door. He then walked to Carrie.

Thank you for calling me, are you going to be allright?

Don't you worry about me love. Leslie doesn't even know that I exist. If he would show up at my door, I wouldn't open, and if he tried to come in, I hope he like the taste of lead. Since I left my abusive man, I Always got a gun nearby, I'll shoot the hell out of him, I will be perfectly fine. It is that Tina wouldn't let me shoot the bastard or else he would have been long gone.

Guss laughed, You're one in a million love, We'll stay in contact, I promise.

Photo taken from Pixabay made by wikimediaimages

Guss drove towards his house, giving it a good speed. In almost an hour his car entered the street where he lived. He parked in front of the house and helped Tina get out. Sandra quickly came out of the house, followed by Spike, their old sheperd. Sandra helped Tina into the house and Guss had the boy on his arm and sat him on the floor in the living room. Spike crawled towards the boy, recognized him and started to lick the boy all over. Darren liked Spike and the tickling feeling of the tongue made him laugh like only small children can.

Tina started to smile and then started crying like crazy.

Sandra laid an arm around her and kissed her. You're save now. Everything is going to be okay. Your brother will take care of you, I know. and then they were silent for a long time. All the pain and frustration needed to come out, Sandra let her, she knew she needed to.

Tina fell asleep on the couch. Guss walked around the room towards the window to see if the doctor came already. Not yet, he saw, and then the Phone rang.

Guss here, Guss said.

Leslie here, do you know where Tina is? She isn't here.

You know what Lelsie? I know where she is. Why don't you stay right where you are and I come personally tell you where she is, how about that? You are at home right?

Lesie waited for a second. Erm, yes, but..

Wait there asshole, I'm on my way, and I'm going to fucking kill you!

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Photo taken from Flickr, made by Craig Sunter
License; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

To be continued next Saturday in the FINAL part!!
Missed the first parts? Don't worry
You can read them righ here;

Introduction; @carlschrijft/dreamland-introduction

Part 1; @carlschrijft/dreamland-story-1-woman-in-chains-1

Part 2; @carlschrijft/dreamland-story1-woman-in-chains2

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