The first thing I read when waking up this morning, was a notification of an incoming Tweet from Ke Xu, the creator and founder of ONO; That other social network that promised to do it differently. And yes, ONO whitepaper included elements showing they intended to do it different, at least try to create something in which spam and scam is reduced.
But now the whole ONO thing may be a scam in itself, or at least NOME Tech, the registered company developing the ONO dApp, shows a lot of immaturity: apparently the ONO token 'ONOT' will be on exchanges (well, at least one) according to the Tweet by Ke Xu. Funny fact: No wallet funds transfer features in either the Android and iPhone Apps. And as far as I know, ONOT is not even on a blockchain yet, at least not a public one. Sure, promises where made and all, and yes, maybe in two days the EOS blockchain code they where working on to make it the ONO blockchain maybe released... But no information regarding that!
Anyway, long story short, with the SUPER BEAR in CRYPTO, the HONEST ONO turning into yet another DISHONEST (so it seems) project, the ENORMOUS PRESSURE I was getting last weeks due to commitments to my own customers, requires some proper Brain Health Elixir and Muscle moving time.
Paula Temple to the Rescue!
The Audio and Video version turning my brain cells up side down right as I write this message, further down this article. Pffff, I can hardly finish this post, getting deeper and deeper into the sounds, and I'm just at about 30 minutes into the set!

© Four Four Mag (source)
Press Play Below
Artist: Paula Temple
Set: Time Warp Mannheim
Year: 2018
Country: Germany
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