A little bit about Life: Loving and making the journey of our lives a memorable one. Here's to you!

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When I was about 4 years old.... I remember being asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I said "fisherman" without the slightest hesitation. I can't recall what prompted that at that time, because as far I knew then.... I was yet to see a boat, let alone, have my first fishing experience.

We were born alone... Yes, and we will die alone,(eh, most likely).
But that doesn't mean we have to walk alone, or make the journey of life feel a lot tougher than it actually is for others.

I feel that whatever we do and wherever we go, we should think before we act... Do our actions, make the other person better? To they uplift, rather than tear down?
Even if the other party is in the wrong, do we shove our self allocated superiority in their faces?

Life itself is an interesting journey we all will experience it, and we can choose to learn or refuse to learn from these experiences. No two journeys are exactly the same. We experience highs and lows;
We experience the seasons one after the other.

FALL: It seems like everything is falling apart and there isn't any light at the end of the tunnel, just a blanket of darkness.... Without any warning WINTER shows up... All drag, gloomy, bland and looking lost.
Then the SPRING.... Aha, things are beginning to take shape... We no longer look forlorn and long faced. We take baby steps and begin to walk with a spring in our steps.
Then comes the SUMMER season of our lives. It feels like the universe has remembered us again, the warmth of the sun soothes our skin and kisses our faces.... We begin to blossom and glow once more.

You see, everyone is in a different place.... Some might be in the dark ages, others might have found the light.

Some might even be about to get hit by an oncoming truck, thinking they have found El Dorado.

You see that man in the fancy car? He's got his own battles.
That lady over there has just been retrenched and is processing a million thoughts about the next steps to take.
Elon, Michael! They have all got bigger battles than you could ever imagine.

We were born alone... Yes, and we will die alone,(eh, most likely).
But that doesn't mean we have to walk alone, or make the journey of life feel a lot tougher than it actually is for others.

Life itself is an interesting journey we all will experience it, and we can choose to learn or refuse to learn from these experiences. No two journeys are exactly the same. We experience highs and lows;

It takes just a little bit, and actually doesn't cost us anything to be nice to others and put a tiny weeny smile on the face of someone. It could be the only positive experience they have that day.

Be a fisher of men and look for the positives, before looking at what they aren't good at. We all have bad sides.

Heck, we might stray sometimes, and can't always be at the top of our game, but it starts with trying.

Like many of us were told when we were little, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."
This saying still holds true and we may still say mean things at times, (I for one, I'm a master at being a meanie.) but we must set ourselves on a course of getting better.

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The line between feeling like a success or like a failure is pretty thin at times.... No need adding to the burdens and all the personal battles-known and unknown individuals have to face.

So here I am, fishing... I've realised that a lot of actions I've taken in the past and present, can be said to be fishing.
Getting people's attention, correcting wrong impressions, and changing negatives to positives.

And here I am again... Still at it and you are my catch in this instance.... Taking your time to read my post.

I just hope I've added some value to your life in some way and made a believer of you.

Kingdom takeover.... It's about time.....take charge of your domain.. Royalty is about to ascend. There's a new boss in town... And that boss is you.

If you haven't picked up anything from everything I've said...well here's a summary for you....LOVE; Treat others as you want to be treated.

The messenger has delivered the message.. It's left for the receiver to receive.


Speaking about fishing as a career, watch out for my next post in these series about trying to discover what the heck I was supposed to do with my life.... To become something!

And yeah, I'm still gonna be a fisherman someday-in the actual sense of the word! Haha

See you on the other side... I remain the Celestial being.... Sent to teach y'all to love.

A bientôt.

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Seems to be a thing on this side of the universe. :)

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