The Day My City Stood-Still: Chapter 3

Chapter 3- The Garment Factory

Please read Chapter 1 here:
Please read Chapter 2 here:

Good morning dear!, here is your beloved morning tea. Come on now, finish your tea and get off the bed and get ready in a jiffy. You know, today I have made your favorite breakfast! and after all you wouldn't wanna get late today, would you? Says Veronica to her husband Charlie Francis, who is still in his bed.

Charlie, I hope you remember what day it is today? Asks Veronica enthusiastically. I know it very well dear, how can I forget! It is such a crucial day for us. It’s 17th of April 2017, the day we both have been eagerly waiting for, replies Charlie with a sigh of relief.

After months of chase and struggle, they were going to get a step closer to their dream project. They had finally managed to secured a meeting with the Textile Minister of the state of Andhra Pradesh, the neighboring state of Karnataka,Mr. HK Bernard, for today. Veronica & Charlie have a flight to catch at 1 PM today, from “Bangalore Airport” to “Hydrabad”, Hydrabad being the capital city of Andhra Pradesh. And one thing they had to keep in mind was Mr Bernard’s strict sense of punctuality and his dedication towards his work. No wonder why, it has been magnanimous task to secure a meeting with him, out of his overly tight calendar.

All those struggles that we have seen, all those sleepless nights we have spent, all those relentless trials after every failure, all those hurdles that we have crossed as one team, all of it will be totally worth it, if everything goes fine today, says Veronica in a prayerful way.
We have invested everything into this project up till our last dime, let alone the bank loan which we took to build our garment factory, says Charlie anxiously. Our dream project, our small garment factory is ready for use! But this change in the regulatory body, with the change of state’s government, has brought the functioning of our factory to a grinding halt.
Everything in the factory is ready, from ‘logistics' to the “procurement of raw materials” to the ‘machinery’. You name it and we have it all. In fact we have already invested in recruiting and giving preliminary training to fifty workers. But all in vain till now!, enunciates Charlie in frustration.


Don’t you stress yourself so much now, it will all be fine. My gut feeling is that today everything is turning out to be in our favor. We will try to make Mr. Bernard understand the importance of this factory for the city of ‘Guntur’, the city where Veronica & Charlie’s factory is situated. And whatever I have heard of him, he is a man of honor. He will defiantly understand our situation and will come forward to help, says Veronica. Although Veronica tries to be positive and upbeat from the outside, but buried deep within her heart, is a fear. A fear of loosing, loosing everything at once, as this is their last ray of hope. The stakes are too high and Veronica is afraid to even think of a situation where the outcome is in a denial.

While battling out the internal tsunami of hope, anxiety, optimism, apprehension and a whole lot of other emotions both of them get dressed and ready. The watch, kept on the dining table is clocking 9.45 AM. Honey, lets head to airport before the morning peak hour traffic swallows Bangalore’s roads. We anyways live on the south side of the city and we have to go to the north of it, where Bangalore’s airport is situated. You remember last time when we went to the airport, it had taken us 3 hours. So I do not want to do not want to take any chances, says Charlie in a concerned voice.

By the time it was the clock ticks to 10 AM, both are on the road. Veronica is driving whereas Charlie is siting on the side seat. Veronica has always been a better driver of the two and the very thought of driving on traffic laden roads is good enough to give chills to Charlie.

Moral- Never loose hope!. Even if our lives feel to be undergoing a situation that compares to be a stormy ocean, so be it, but don't let the hope die. Yes indeed there will be ups and downs, there will be good days and bad days. But always remember, every dark night finally leads us to the brightness of dawn. A stormed ocean is better than a dead sea, because a stormy ocean still sustains its aquatic life in it but nothing can survives in a dead sea. Also, good things always come when you least expect them.

-----------------End of Chapter 3-------------------

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