Astral Wars — Pre-Alpha Launch and $ASTRA Staking Event


Introducing Astral Wars

Where Have I Seen This Before?

Astral Wars was originally introduced as AR Bots when we first announced through @surgentgaming, our studio account:

AR Bots — A futuristic digital trading card game (rebuilt on Hive)

We've since renamed/rebranded to Astral Wars thanks to feedback gathered during our first AMA,
but all of the details regarding setting, game mechanics, ownable assets, and our initial roadmap have remained the same. Give it a read if you missed it the first time around!

Since then, we've had a second AMA open to questions for both Astral Wars and Astral Revelations, our flagship game. We summarized the questions asked and answered during that AMA in our most recent @astralrevelation post:

Astral Revelations — Roadmap Update, Pre-Alpha Status, 2nd AMA

While technically an Astral Revelations post, we touch on many topics related to Astral Wars that are worth reading if you're curious about everything going on in the background to make both games happen.

. . . coughdividendscough . . .


June 25th Pre-Alpha

We are pleased to announce that Astral Wars will be entering it's Pre-Alpha testing stage this coming weekend! Just like with our Astral Revelations Pre-Alpha, those interested in testing out the game will need to apply in our Discord through the following channel:


Testers will be chosen at random by raffle during an AMA on June 24th.

The AMA will begin at 4 pm UTC, so make sure your application has been submitted to the channel before then in order to qualify for the tester raffle.

Multiplayer PvP Included!


In addition to PvE against bots, PvP matches will be included in the first Pre-Alpha build. Will it be incredibly buggy? Probably. Will it break and cause much frustration? Almost certainly! So, make sure you're ready to help us stress test if you're applying to be a tester!


Steady Progress

Since our initial announcement, we've continued to make significant progress both in fleshing out game mechanics and improving upon visual details discussed during our previous AMA. Check out some of our latest art improvements!

Card Crates


Card Backs


Card Design


Game Table


And many more things you'll get to see during the AMA and/or once the Pre-Alpha begins!


Upgradable Cards

One aspect in particular we'd like to introduce is upgradeable cards. Base cards can be identified by their white inner border while all other upgraded forms will have a colored border. Here we've mocked up the Blue, Green, and Gold upgrades, but we plan to include other colors like Red and Orange.


Each color will represent a particular "theme" or group of upgrades that establish costs and relative card strengths. For example, if Gold upgrades provide the "strongest" upgrades while Blue cards provided the "weakest," the Battery cost to play each card would be proportional to each card's new strength. This might make Gold cards seem like the default choice for upgrades, but that depends entirely upon your deck. Upgrading a card typically increases its cost to play, so there will be situations where a lower cost will be ideal if your deck strategy caters to a more aggressive play style.

Note: All of the designs we've shared are subject to change. We'll be using feedback received during the Pre-Alpha to continue polishing these designs for the best play experience possible.


$ASTRA Staking Event

To celebrate Astral Wars' Pre-Alpha launch, we are running a staking event for $ASTRA from now until June 25th when we open up access for testers.

Those that stake an additional 5k $ASTRA before the launch will receive a unique promo card available only during this event:


Those that stake 20k $ASTRA will also receive an alternate art version of this card (for 2 cards total) featured only during this event:


Astral Wars Logo_1.5.png

Getting Involved

If you're just now learning about Astral Wars, come mingle in our Discord to get regular updates, ask any questions you might have, and hang out with your fellow gamers!

Astral Revelations is powered by Project Hybrid and made by Surgent Gaming Studios:



Stay tuned for more Astral Wars news!
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