It is Friday again... Time for another round of #technofriday! Ok ok, Europe already moved into Saturday, but in Hawaii it is still Friday, therefore this post is still in time hahaha

image from (source)
Do you know that feeling? That feeling when listening to a music recording of some artist recorded at some event you've been too? When for some reason you've not taken the effort to go to the appropriate room at the appropriate time when the source of the recording was made?
Since a few weeks, every time I listen to Luke's 'Merry Christmas' set, my mind starts dancing, but I also get this feeling to want to slap me own head really hard!
Don't be fooled, the X-Mas set is actually a set recording of Luke's gig at multi-day 'Verknipt' indoor festival held during the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) week last October.
When I arrived at this festival to hear Sterac, I realised Luke already played and felt kinda shit; Knowing what he played, I feel even more shit... On the good side, Luke will still be around, and I'll get more opportunities to catch him at some event this year.
njoy the listen en weekend
Artist: Luke Slater aka Planetary Assault Systems
Set: Verknipt ADE
Year: 2018
Country: UK
source soundcloud
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