Technofriday... Oops Saturday already, but fortunately early morning...
Techno can be dark, but it is wonderful to listen to some good stuff when the sun is showing itself (is the Sun an 'it', or a 'he' or 'she'?). This morning it started dark here, but the weather gods are fighting for the balance. Work in progress as you can see in the photograph.
You may ask, where is 'here'?
Well 'here' is Trier, a south western city in Germany, close to the Belgium and Luxembourg borders. A small-ish city established by the Romans. Build around this river called 'Mosel'...maybe you know it from the Mosel wein (German for 'Wine'), the sweet white wine. If you like sweet stuff, well you can try it when you'll find it somewhere in the shops or wine bars near you. I did, a long time ago, and decided, the Mosel as a river is much nicer than their wine. That said, the grape fields are almost crossing the streets here around the corner where I'm staying, so I may try some of them later today... Not sure if the farmers will be ok with it, but they seem to have forgotten to secure their fields with some fences.
Ah well, I can be a little naughty, most of the Germans here in Trier are following the rules to the letter. Balance must be established :)

© edje
Back to Techno...
Lanoche, Spanish. Music: Slow, Deep, Atmospheric. With a Soul, for sure! Just a day or two ago, finally a new post with a new recent recording of a set she played in Madrid. Some club event called "Alpenglühen". I'm not in the Alps, and I think she wasn't either, but as we speak, I'm surrounded by mountains...owwww, maybe I should call it hills, but it feels like mountains :) That is the link, pure by accident: mountains, alps, quality sounds.
Anyway, long story short, for Technofriday I present you Lanoche Alpenglühen recording: a live act!
Beautiful Chill and... Well, just press the play button
Artist: Lanoche
Set: Alpenglühen 35
Year: 2018
Country: Spain
source soundcloud
Artist Music
Artist Discography
Artist Gigs
Previous Posts
Lanoche - Madrid Suena | Veranos de la Villa (2017) ... set | play | post
Lanoche - 'Melting' LIVE Sampler (2017) ... set | play | post
Lanoche - Sounds of Sónar (2017) ... set | play | post
Lanoche - Mini Hub Madrid (2017) ... set | play | post
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