Cats of Steemit? Can that be a thing now? 🐱 #catsofsteemit

So there's a bit of a Crazy Cat Lad thing going around Steemit at the moment.

It all began with this post I think.. followed by this .

As a self confessed Cat Lady, I'm really feeling the male domination on this particular topic and I just couldnt have that!

So everyone... Meet Cat Two.

Two because he is our second cat. The first cat ran off and never came back home.

From here on in, let's call Cat Two "Fluffy" on account of me always having to tell people "He's not fat, he's just fluffy."

Fluffy is a rescue cat. For months after we lost Cat One we tried to rescue a cat at Blacktown Animal Shelter, but every time we were almost there the cat would get sick and they would tell us we cant adopt. Heart breaking every single time. If you can manage to adopt an animal from Blacktown Animal Shelter DO IT and do it quick! Rescue that animal!

At the time I was working for a pet food company and everyone, from staff to customers to drivers, knew I was looking to adopt a cat. No I don't want a fancy pure breed cat, No I don't want to go to the pet store.. I want a rescue.. This was a concept people found hard to grasp for some reason, but I'm stubborn like that.

So when one of our customer's rang me to let me know there's a cat available for adoption at the local Vet, I rang hubby and told him we have to go pick up our cat that afternoon. He's like.. Have you seen him? Nope. But hes coming home with us tonight. And he did :)

This is him when he was little inside his cardboard tunnel system.

Because we lost Cat One on account of her being an indoor/outdoor cat, we weren't going to make the same mistake twice so Fluffy is a strictly indoors only cat. Knowing we were depriving him of the fun he can have in nature - we spoiled him to alleviate our guilt.

The cardboard tunnel system was a thing of beauty and he loved it. It lasted for years, until it couldn't take his weight anymore.

"The Castle" took a couple of hours and two people to assemble, and has saved our house and furniture all these years. Seriously a great investment for an indoor cat. It's only just starting to fall apart now lol

His life as an indoor cat isn't so bad. He's got us, his toys and sometimes his mates come around, but he has to tell them he can't come out and play cos his mum won't let him.

He doesn't usually like movies and just falls asleep through them, but he really got into Planet of the Apes one night.

See? I've gone to bed and he's still watching.

He keeps me company while I work. Like seriously, no matter what I'm working on, he'll be right here.

More like distract me while I work.

Ohh stop with the cuteness already!

Here's Fluffy giving me support while I attempt an insane 5 deck reading. He looks like he's meditating lol.

My Fluffy is the cuddliest cat. He is very affectionate and needy, smart and cheeky - he has so many facets to his personality, he's more than a cat to us, he's our baby.

Hubby says I'm a stay at home Mum for our cat, but most days I feel like he's looking after me.

Are you a Crazy Cat Lad or Lady? Show us your precious one <3

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