Attention All Alliance Members!! - MANDATORY PLEASE READ - The Mothership Will be Ready to Board on Feb 20th

Attention All Alliance Members!!
The Mothership Will be Ready to Board on Feb 20th
This will be a mandatory boarding for all members so please read this post fully!


What is the Mothership?

The Mothership is an alliance only bot designed to help all of our members and bring the team together under one roof.

The Mothership is your place of refuge.

Providing much needed energy to all members for all of your upcoming battles.

How does it work?

We as a group will boost this bot up so that it has a lot of SP.

That SP will, in turn, be used to upvote our members for an added boost to some of your posts.

It will go through our list of members one at a time, in order, and upvote our most recent post with a 100% upvote then move to the next member.

It will vote 10 times per day at 2.4 hr intervals much like bid bots do.

In a 30 day month it will end up voting 300 times.

With our head count approaching 200 members, this will be roughly 1.5 votes per month. Or, 3 votes ever 2 months.

This may not sound like much until you consider that it will continue to grow larger as days go on and so will it's votes.

Here is what is required of all members.

You have 3 options for how to claim your seat.

  1. Send a delegation of 60 sp to @themothership.
    • This will be a permanent delegation for as long as you remain an alliance member.
    • This is the easiest way to get on board because it takes nothing from your pocket. Delegations never leave your account when given, they are still yours and return to you whenever you un-delegate.
    • With this option you don't need to do anything else for the rest of the time that you remain one of our wonderful members. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
  2. Send 30 sp permanent delegation to @themothership plus 1 liquid steem per month.
    • This option does take money out of your pocket and I will discuss the rewards you will get from it and how that money will be used below.
    • This option is basically for if you do not want, or cannot delegate the full 60 sp. I believe most of us can though.
    • If you choose this option please remember that you must SEND THE DELEGATION BEFORE SENDING THE STEEM. The bot looks for delegation first to determine what price you will pay to be on board. If you send your steem first you will be charged at the rate of 2 steem per month as it will assume you have not sent delegation.
  3. Send 2 steem per month to @themothership.
    • This option is for if you don't want to delegate any of your sp.
    • Personally I would advise that if you have 60 extra sp you go with option 1 as it takes nothing from you and there is no monthly payment to remember.

What if I simply do not have the sp to get on board?

Then we will buy your seat for you... in a way.

We are a team here in The Alliance. We've got your back.

If you do not have enough sp to send the delegation we will band together as a group to upvote your upcoming posts enough to cover it.

If you want to take advantage of this you just need to leave a message in our discord channel tagging @syndicateofficers letting them know that you do not have enough sp to pay for your seat. One of our officers will then evaluate your account. If they find that you do not have it as you say, then they will spread the word that you need help getting on board and the rest of us will do our part.

If you take this option please understand that we will expect you to use the sbd you gain from all the added support to actually power up until you reach the 60 sp required and then delegate it to @themothership.

Here is what all member get for being on board The Mothership.

Each time the bot comes around to your account on the list it will give you a 100% upvote to your most recent post.

With our current 200 members you will receive about 3 votes in a 2 month span.

This doesn't sound like much, break it down for me.

Ok, if we have 200 members that all delegate 60 sp the account will have 12000 sp.

Currently that is about a $4 full upvote that the account will have.

So, each vote it gives will be $4 each time.

Meaning that if you get 1.5 votes per month you will basically be getting $6 per month from this. :)

This is just how it will start. As it grows the vote will grow with it. In other words, as the account gains its own sp naturally (through posts and curation) it will also add to the vote value. So over time those that stick with us will benefit even more.

Also, many members have and will still send extra delegation on their own that adds to the strength of the account.

As you can see this will grow with us as we grow and will continue to help all of us as time passes.

Can we send more delegation than the 60? If so what will it get us?

Well, you can delegate any amount you like over the initial 60. If you do, it will just go to the account and boost the vote for everyone. We are trying to keep things equal so you will not get anything extra for sending extra. You will however feel very good about helping the rest of the group out. :)

Can we donate steem to The Mothership?

You can donate extra steem or sbd to The Mothership. It will be used to purchase more delegation for the account at a 3 month price.

If you would like to donate steem or sbd you must send it to @michaeldavid with the memo "mothership donation". The reason for is that if you send it to @themothership then it will consider it toward your monthly payments instead of a donation. Once I have it I will purchase delegation for The Mothership with it. I already have 90 steem donated from a couple of our generous members that I will purchase delegation with on Feb 20th when the bot officially comes online.

How do I delegate sp to The Mothership?

  1. Easy, Go here

  2. Put in your username, hit enter and wait for it to find you.

  3. Then below you will see a section for add/update delegation.

  4. Enter themothership in the box marked "Delegatee"

  5. Then the amount

  6. Hit Delegate button.

That's it!

It will then take you to steem connect to get your key to be sure you are you and you are all set.

Anything else?

Well, as we grow we will lower his vote to 50% so that members will get votes twice as often.

We may even start this way so that members will see the votes more regularly.

I'm sure there is more that I'm forgetting to add here.

If you have questions you can either leave a comment here or get with Michael David (The Docta) or your syndicate officer and they will help you understand better.

If I have left anything out I will add it in a future update.

Thanks for reading,

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