"Into the quantum world..." - Chapter 1, part 2 - original novel by zen-art

To get all up to date, read the previous parts:
Chapter 01. PART 01

Chapter 01. PART 02.

His heart was racing and he was sweating bullets. How did he end up like this, he wondered. The doctor said he was going to be fine as long as he was taking the pills on time and he didn't miss a single one. He began to shiver and tried counting the tiles to focus his mind on something else. Old and dirty tiles that he did not clean in ages. He made a little game of it and tried to count cleaner ones separately than the dirty ones. It was a small number.

“Sir? Oh, sir? My name is B.G. and I mean you no harm. Would you be so kind and open the door?”

The door. Did he lock it two times or just once? He looked at his reflection in the mirror and tried hard not to cry. He needed to be stronger than this. He needed to be stronger than his illness and besides, maybe the pills will kick in soon. He just needed to wait a little while longer and there would be no more talking animals. His hair started sticking to the back of his neck and it reminded him of all those long conversations with his mother who never liked his long curves. They reminded her of his father too much.

“Good day to you sir.”

The badger whispered trying not to startle him again but failed. Rocky was squatting in the tub and shivering like a leaf. In that position, and with that look on his face, he resembled a frightened child who desperately wanted its parents to come to the rescue and take the nightmare away. A leaf that was dancing in the wind but was still attached to a glorious tree growing on a glorious back.

“I would offer you a glass of water but you are a badger. Would you like me to lift the toilet sit up for you so you could drink?”

Rocky finally spoke with a mix of sarcasm and desperation in his voice.

“That is disgusting, sir, but you are making progress with acknowledging my presence and you are on the right track with the toilet even if you do not know it yet.”

“You are fictional, I am imagining you.”

“Yes and no. Yes, I am a part of an imagination, but no, it is not your imagination, you are not the one who is imagining me.”

Rocky got intrigued. The badger managed to be persistent enough to get him interested in this unusual predicament he found himself in. He let down his guard a bit and forgot all about the pills. This delusion was getting more and more interesting. His shivering stopped and he started to be more annoyed than scared.

“There is another yes. I am also as real as you and that wrinkled pajama that has seen better days.”

“That is an oxymoron. You can't be both fictional and real!”

Rocky protested

“I am a badger sir, not an ox and I resent you calling me a moron! I came to you in good faith with promises of revelations and exciting life and all you have given me in return is screaming, crying, fainting and name calling. Not a polite way to treat a best friend sir, not polite at all.”

B.G. got offended hard and fast. There were no oxymorons where he comes from and it was a term he never heard of before so it was natural and expected of him to lose his politeness in this kind of situation. It never lasted long and it did not then either. A couple of seconds later B.G. was back to his calm self and eager to continue with his assignment.

“Ok, real or not real badger, you have my undivided attention. What the fu*k do you want?”

There were so many odd things in badgers little talk that Rocky did not know where to begin. His mind was playing tricks on him again and there was no stopping it. Maybe stopping was the wrong approach. Maybe Rocky needed to give in, relax and see where his mind would take him. How crazier would it get anyway? It wouldn't be crazier than the crazy talking badger in his bathroom, or would it?

“What happened next? What happened next?”

the children started asking. Their eyes would get big whenever Ella would tell one of her stories.

“Settle down now, settle down.”

Ella flapped her fairy wings and made one child sneeze. Not all children were allergy free nowadays. Those were not ordinary wings, oh no, they held a home for a lot of birds on those trees that grew from Ella's back, trees that could fly Ella anywhere she ever wanted. They were a world of their own with so much life in them, and so many stories to be told. Of course, she was good with stories and a natural storyteller, she carried those worlds with her, one in each leaf, and she knew each one of them by heart.

“What did the badger say next?”

asked one boy

“Rocky becomes brave soon, I know it.”

said another one

"Supper time!"

The bells started singing. It was a lovely melodic song that made all the birds from Ellas back join in with their ringing and soon there was a well-known melody in the air that informed all the residents of the upcoming meal. Children started jumping, running, flying and some even rolling towards the building that had all the kitchens in it. This was a strange land with strange worlds inside worlds but every one of those worlds had creatures that needed to eat now and then.

“Were you telling the Rocky story again?”

a voice appeared almost out of nowhere

“Don't be sneaking around Sapphire! Where are you now?”

Ella started to turn around looking for that familiar Goddess she was so fond of.

“How is my favorite fairy doing today?”

the voice asked

"You say that to all fairies, you sweet talker you, now show yourself please.”

There was a feeling of a wind but there was no wind in the air, a smell of rain but not a drop has fallen to the ground and a thousand tiny diamond-shaped figures started glimmering in front of Ella. A thousand diamonds turned to thousand rainbows and space got filled with color. From that color, a shape began to appear, and what a lovely shape it was.

“Shall we follow the children and get something to eat?”

Sapphire asked when her full figure was shown.

“I thought you'd never ask!” If it weren't for the bells, I would be telling that story with no breaks.”

Ella smiled and took Sapphire under the arm.

“It is because that story never gets old. Where is Pebbles anyway?”

“I think she died again.”

Ella lowered her voice.

“Oh no, so sad. Will she be Rocky again?”

Sapphire asked

“You'll have to ask Father that.”

Ella chuckled.


This is the first part of the "Into the quantum world..." novel, written for steemit that is featuring steemit users as characters. If you would like to be a part of it, feel free to message me or wait patiently until I message you and ask you first.

To be a part of this novel you need to be a member of @thealliance group, read all about it here: Eyes on - issue 12

List of confirmed characters

Steemit nameCharacter nameType
@enginewittyThe Fatherdeity

The novel will be published in sequels once or sometimes more than once per week. To read the introduction to it click here: INTRO

P.S. the images created are first found on pixabay and are under CCO license so they are free for private and commercial use. To see the profiles of people who made the photos click here: andyballard, SpiritBunny & kalhh

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