Gotas de acero / Drops of steel

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Después de algunas pruebas con distintos tipos de efectos y ediciones, Intentando conseguir una textura diferente y llamativa, logré transformar unas simples gotas de agua en el cristal de una ventana, en algo parecido a unas gotas de acero que parecen suspendidas en el aire. Me resulta interesante y extraño a primera vista como si fuera una obra de arte, de esas que podemos mirar una y otra vez y no llegar a entender que representa o qué quería conseguir el artista que la hizo. Quisiera que todo el que viese esta fotografía me dijera qué le parece, o qué ve y siente al observarala durante unos segundos.

English Content

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After some tests with different types of effects and editions Trying to achieve a different and striking texture, I managed to transform a few simple drops of water on the glass of a window, in something like a few drops of steel that seem suspended in the air. I find it interesting and strange at first glance as if it were a work of art, of those that we can look at again and again and not get to understand what the artist who made it represents or wanted to achieve. I would like everyone who saw this picture to tell me what they think or what they see and feel when they observe it for a few seconds.

Cámara:Nikon L340

Nicanor-mosquera cristal.png

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